Chapter 103

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"alright short fuse, we'll race like usual. try to keep up." you stretch your arms.

your teasing tone only proves why you call bakugo short fuse. with a popping vein, he puts his gauntlets on, telling you off under his breath. the two of you stand on the top of field beta, the training ground full of buildings and poles. this is where you two have been training for quite some time and you wouldn't believe yourself if you told past you that training with bakugo is actually pretty fun.

"you're going down." his tone goes serious.

"mhm. whatever you say." you say with a smirk. he's been losing everyday since you two started training together. it always starts off with a race, much like you guys did the first day you all got back from your internships. even if bakugo told you he wanted to work on his mentality on the battle field, you guys still work on other components, such as his speed.

"ready? we stop at the usual spot." you crouch in preparation. as expected, your partner doesn't answer so you do the honors of counting down.




"go!" at that, you jump to a building. you've gotten used to the sound of loud explosions so now, it doesn't faze you no matter how close or how big an explosion is. unlike you, bakugo takes to the skies, using his explosions to propel himself in the air.

you? you stick to basic parkour.

oh how pissed bakugo gets when each time you beat him, you don't even use your quirk.

yeah, you're that fast.

and you've told him numerous times that if he can't beat you when you're not using your quirk, it's going to take a lifetime before he can even get close to you with your quirk.

but you'll give him credit, he improves and he improves fast. at the beginning of your training journey, you left short fuse in the dust.

but slowly and surely, with time and patience, (which was something that was not easy to engrave into his brain) he's been getting better and faster. he's able to keep behind you at a steady pace instead of you being so far ahead to the point where you're just a tiny dot in his vision.

'his explosions are still loud..he's getting good.' you think as you maneuver through the course. jumping over poles, swinging from them, taking giant jumps, you thank your lucky stars that you chose mirko for your internship.

you were a hot mess before.

but after a week of cleanup and racing, you managed to finally beat her on the last day of your internship. she was so proud of you and that was the moment you told yourself you'd only get better because damn, do you feel cool free running this.

and you sure look cool too.

"don't think you're winning dammit!" the hoarse voice of bakugo echos off the metal. you only throw up a wave before getting back on track. you'd give him credit, he's definitely doing better than last time.

"stay focused! quit teasing people while you're in the middle of something! not only do you get off track, you'll sound stupid if you actually lose!" you scold.

after some more moments of you running on the buildings and bakugo soaring through the sky, you finally reach the end first.


"not bad. you've improved-"

"fucking deku is such a nerd."

oh yeah, you also found out about a little habit he has.

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