Chapter 86

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bro i swear wattpad is on sum shit.

so as i said before, my chapters are usually done a day before they actually get posted.

well last chapter, it was about 5:30 after i finished. that was monday morning. (as i said in the author note.)

i posted that chapter today at around 12:00 a.m.

but the notification didn't go off until 5:00 in the morning.

am i the only one who finds that weird 😭

anyways enjoy <3


"we can't waste a second suneater bought for us!" fatgum yells as him and nighteye lead the way down the seemingly-forever hallway.

"all right!" kirishima yells loudly, causing some people to sweat drop.

"it's weird that the guy who was moving the basement hasn't shown any movement..." aizawa says.

"now that you mention it, nothing's twisting or turning." izuku agrees.

"if he isn't putting any obstacles in our way while we're running, then our opponent might not be able to observe and control the whole basement. there's the police squad that remained above, too. maybe he's focusing his attention on them." your homeroom teacher concludes.

"are you saying that he's limited in the area he can keep tabs in?" rock lock says.

"it's just a prediction.."

"if he is able to limit the area, why doesn't he keep his focus on us? we're the real threat and we're only getting closer to our target the more they don't do anything to stop us.." you ask.

"that's where it's sketchy..maybe they have something bigger planned for us. if they do, keep your guard up for anything." aizawa says sternly.

"right." you say, accidentally letting out sparks of lightning.

"you have what i gave you, right?"

"yep." you nod.

"what did he give you?" izuku asks, scanning you up and down to see if anything's different. "since my old way of recharging my quirk was kind of flawed, he gave me a taser." you answer.

"y/n used to use outlets to recharge her lightning storage. but sometimes, you won't be near an outlet and that leaves you powerless in dire situations. so having something that does the same job but it's portable-meaning you can carry it around and use it at anytime, is much more efficient than her old method." aizawa explains to everyone.

"it's genius and i'm mad i never thought of it.." you shake your head. "anyways, thank you."

some moments later, you notice the wall move slightly out the corner of your eye. noticing it's aizawa who's standing in the path, it's clear their main target is him. narrowing your eyes, the wall starts flying from its place, heading straight for your teacher.

"erasure!" you yell, activating your quirk and in a split second, you push him out the way so instead of him getting caught, it's you who's about to get separated from everyone else.

"bolt!" aizawa yells, immediately getting up and running to you. you hear the call outs of your name from kirishima and izuku as well and you can only assuming they're running to you too. just as you're about to end up alone, a big hand pushes you out the way, making you slide across the ground next to aizawa and rock lock.

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