Chapter 97

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i know y'all have seen the latest manga chapter and the shit going around about YOU KNOW WHAT CHARACTER AND WHAT OTHER CHARACTER.

i have so much to say that i can't even say it.

so instead, i'm going to say enjoy ♥︎


get dressed nicely. emiko is going to pick you up and take you back to the house. we're going over to endeavor's for lunch.

"what a joke." you throw your phone on the bed. it doesn't even take a minute before it rings again.

sent one attachment*

'mina's been influencing him too much..' you shake your head at his text.

old man.
we're having lunch with the rai's. i expect you to behave and be at the house on time.



you half laugh-half scoff before grabbing your things and heading to the elevator.


you blow a raspberry as you look at yourself in the mirror. you would admit you like how you look but with the circumstances and with the reason why you're dressed like this, your pride gets in the way.

"and i didn't think you could get any prettier."

he doesn't think like you however.

you half laugh and watch as he walks into your closest. "thanks."

"that was half-hearted. what's wrong?" izuku sits on your couch. "why are you dressed so nicely?"

you don't say anything but throw your phone at izuku. he catches it and uses his face recognition to unlock it. while you contemplate on what to do with your hair, izuku's skimming through the messages you have with your dad and shoto who just so happened to text you at that moment.

"lunch with endeavor?" izuku snickers. "tell me how that goes."

"you're not helping." you turn to him.

"sorry sorry." izuku apologizes with a smile. "but maybe it won't be the worst thing? you never know."

"i know it'll be full of fake smiles and horrible jokes. the only good part is the food."

"at least you won't be alone. you'll have todoroki with you."

"yeah.." you sigh and look at your shoes.


"y/n honey, how's it going? how's hero school?" emiko asks as she drives on the road. why your dad sent her instead of himself? probably the lazy in him. not that you're completely complaining though. you're still on a seesaw with your dad. sometimes you think about forgiving him but then you think about your entire life and all that forgiveness goes down the drain.

"it's pretty alright. nothing too big has happened. how's hero work?"

"the usual. saving the day time to time. it's not a daily thing for me." she answers.

"so you're an underground hero, right?"

"that's right."

"hm. so how did you meet my dad?" you ask. you haven't gotten the chance to really talk to emiko. there was the time where you first met her.

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