Chapter 76

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"i can finally speak..." you say as you move your head around. "will you ever show your face?" you ask while looking around the white fog.

"maybe someday. did you take my advice?"

"to be honest, i kinda forgot what you told me.."

"can you just call me in here whenever? i have a feeling these aren't dreams anymore.." you ask, looking down at the black and white static that prevents you from moving.

"i guess you can say that." nana answers.

"so why am i here?"

"i told you why all for one was after you, well, he will be.."

"yeah about that, i thought he was in prison?"

"shigaraki and whoever hides in the shadows will do anything to free him. now that i mention him, shigaraki is more than likely after you as well." nana warns.

you stay silent, thinking about any interaction you had with shigaraki. he didn't pay much attention to you at the usj attack, you two really only exchanged words at the mall when he had izuku on the verge of death. then of course, the league kidnapped you along with bakugo. that voice in the tv, you had no idea who's voice it was before but now, it's clear that voice was all for one.

i see you listened to my command and brought y/n rai straight to me.

"shigaraki was ordered by all for one himself to capture me. that doesn't necessarily mean he's after me." you correct.

"not now, but that doesn't mean he won't be in the future."

"and why am i being targeted? i'm not told enough..." you say in annoyance and nana sighs.

"all for one wants you because of your mother."

"here we go again with the talk about my mom. i know nothing about her for that to be useful information." you say while rolling your eyes.

"but you know her relations with all for one?"




"that woman i've been seeing in these dreams... that's my mom, isn't it?" you sigh out. what a way to find out.


"and that explains the part where my dad came in. that's how they first met."

"that's correct. since you know about all might and one for all, did he ever tell you about its origins?"

staying silent, you try and think back on all the times you and izuku were pulled to the lounge with all might. "it started with all for one giving his supposed 'quirkless' brother a quirk, right?"

"and his brother did in fact have a quirk. with his and the one all for one have him,"

"one for all was created." you and nana finish in unison.


" mom..was married to all for one?" you ask, finally piecing everything together.

"that's correct. that was until his true colors shone."

'really mom...i was unknowingly bashing you for your poor choice in men?'

"after all for one's brother refuses to become his successor, he resorted to his wife which happens to be your mother. after she also refused, all for one started threatening her and in retaliation, she ran away." nana explains.

then i'll run away. you won't ever find me once i go into hiding.

"nana, is my mom alive?" you ask. you're tired of not knowing if she's alive or not. she's mentioned as if she's not but then there's another part of you that believes your dad.

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