important note.

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hi guys.

it's aliyha :) sorry to tease you guys like this with thinking it may be a new chapter, but i do need to come on here in a way that i know would grab everyone's attention. publishing on my most iconic story with over 712k reads, i figured it would get the job done.

ik it's been a while since you've might've heard from me but i'm here. here to let you guys know what's going on and stuff since you don't really deserve to be in the dark.

i'm pretty sure the last time i updated a chapter was around in december. i could be wrong, but that's just from my memory. it's currently march 3rd, 2023 as i im writing this.

i don't really know how to feel about any of this or if i'm making the right decision but if there's anything i've learned from my time on wattpad and choosing to be an author, it's that with time you will learn and get better. maybe a decision before your final stand was one you hesitated on, but choosing it is what led to great things and it goes from something you weren't sure of to something you thank your lucky stars every night for taking. you take the risk, and it helps you out in the end, even if in the beginning it seems like a bad idea.

whether that hesitation is insecurities, doubts, or maybe just laziness, but ultimately those thoughts wash away and you end up becoming a better version of yourself. and that's what happened to me when i first decided to become an author on wattpad who writes anime fan fiction.

my 2 year anniversary for posting bolt; the story that started it all, is in almost a month. 2 years on this app helped me learn a lot. you know i used to be a really shitty writer who had no idea what she was doing and not even having a full storyline with a proper plot and other things a story needs to be a story. i wrote about 1000 word chapters that had terrible writing, grammar, and i would update those chapters daily.

but over time i started to realize what it took to become an author. and suddenly i was writing 10k+ word chapters that had deep meaning and serious plot and storyline with character development, decent writing, and good grammar. it had taken 2 years, but finally, i could say i thanked my lucky stars for somehow deciding to take it upon myself and write a story that i would wanna read. create something that i would've loved to see from someone else. and no one else took the initiative to make my dreams a reality, so i did it myself.

and it was a great decision.

as i said earlier, the first step to a new beginning usually has its hesitations, but as time goes on, you find yourself thankful for taking that step. the doubts that you may not be good enough seep in, but you let time and your curiosity take over, and it takes you far.

it took me far.

i don't know how or why, but somehow others found love in my writing. others would wait for an update from me to read some measly spin-off story about an anime that didn't need any type of romance in it. people would read every word and get stuck in an imaginary world with an imaginary girl with a glowing eye and her relationship with a stressed and depressed teenage who just wanted to follow his childhood dreams of becoming something that's completely fictional in our world. people would laugh, scream, cry, just about anything to the letters that make up a word, an image of a person that would become maybe a comfort character for some. the love for an anime and the heart of a 16 year old girl who just wanted to write.

i just wanted to write.

and that's what i did. i wrote, and then i wrote some more. and then i wrote other books, and it was the happiest i had ever been in my life. the happiest to interact with all of you who live probably thousands and thousands of miles away from me. another continent, perhaps. a simple screen and a story connected me with people like you, and it was truly the happiest i ever was.

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