Chapter 56

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"there you two are! we were waiting for you guys!" mina exclaims as the class turns to you and midoriya who are making your way to them.


"sorry not sorry"

everyone sweatdrops at your two different responses as you stand behind a couch. "now that everyone is here, us girls were thinking of checking out the boys' room!" mina exclaims.

"yeah! who has the best room?" hagakure joins. you smirk as you turn your head to midoriya who was already looking at you. "well would you look at that. i was half right."

as the boys protest, the girls start running to the elevator. eventually, everyone makes it to the top floor where the first victim is midoriya. "wait- NO!" midoriya yells, standing in front of his door with his arms stretched out.

you snicker at him as the girls force him away. they open the door as midoriya quickly runs in, trying to cover anything he can. "there's all might everywhere! you're such a fanboy." uraraka says as she looks at an all might poster.

"well i really admire him.." midoriya says, accepting his defeat.

as everyone exits the room, the girls excitedly make their way to tokoyami's door. the bird boy leans back on his door with his arms crossed. "no way."

mina and hagakure stare at him until they start ripping him away from his door. moments later, tokoyami ends up on the ground as mina opens the door.

before walking in, you hold your hand out to tokoyami who looks up at you. "sorry. that's really annoying, isn't it?" you ask. tokoyami sighs as he takes your hand.

"yeah, talk about invasion of privacy." he says as you pull him up. he dusts himself off as you two walk into his room.

"so dark and scary.." mina and hagakure mumble at the same time. you look around the black and purple room and hum "it's pretty cool." you admit.

"oh man, i wish i had a key chain like this when i was in middle school." kirishima says as he holds up a cross keychain.

"so this is how boys decorate..." mina mumbles.

"please leave." tokoyami mumbles as he turns away from you all. you take the initiative and starts pushing everyone out the room. "who's next?" you ask as you get the last person out of his room.

aoyama has no problem opening the door, letting everyone inside.

"AH!" you and sero jokingly yell in unison, throwing your arms up and immediately turning away from the room. you hear snickers and giggles as you continue to shield yourself from the bright room. you prefer tokoyami's dark room over this.

"aren't you dazzled?" aoyama asks as he stands in the middle of the room. everything is so... sparkly and shiny. the only cool thing in his room is the shining armor standing in the corner.

you and sero are the first ones out the door and everyone follows as you lead the way through the first floor hallways. "next floor is up! this is turning out to be more exciting than i thought!" uraraka admits.

you all make it to the next floor and next up was ojiro who didn't even try and argue. he just opened the door and you all stepped into the bland room.

"it's so bare in here." uraraka says and ojiro's tail lowers at the comment. "did you move anything in at all?" hagakure asks, making his tail lower more.

"please tell me you just haven't unpacked yet." mina adds, making ojiro's tail fully touch the ground. "you girls are so judgemental. i think it looks nice ojiro." you compliment, making ojiro's tail rise.

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