Chapter 139

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how are u gonna release an OVA with him laughing in it to giving us manga leaks of that. but then proceed to go on a 2 week hiatus so we won't get another chapter until the 21st?

shit hurts when reading this chapter, but enjoy <3


already sat up in his hospital bed, mr. aizawa watched you four walk into the room. a nurse was behind you, examining the way izuku and katsuki handled you and shoto.

"glad to see you troublesome kids are at least alive."

all of you were relieved to see him breathing and sitting up with no difficulty as you and shoto sat in chairs. "we can say the same to you." you spoke for everyone.

now that everyone was settled, that took time to analyze. aizawa scanned you four, seemingly looking for anything detrimental even in izuku and katsuki, as if they were at the wedding as well. but while he was doing that, you four had a keen eye on his obvious missing left arm.

"mr. aizawa.." shoto looked down in shame. "i cant find the words to apologize."

"yeah.." you also bowed your head. "i'm so sorry for causing you your left arm." your mind kept looping on and on on how it was your fault this happened to him. 'if i didn't leave, maybe the outcomes would be different.'

"rai, todoroki. look at me."

you were hesitant, but it was the least you could do for him. so in unison, you and shoto picked up your heads and looked into your teacher's eyes. he always had an unreadable look; something you could never decipher. and this time was no different. "to see you two as injured and affected not only on the outside, but in, spells my defeat."

"what?" you said. "this isn't your fault."

"we were a bit reckless. the blame is on us."

"to be 'reckless' in such a situation, that just goes to show how willingly you two are to make things right, even if you get badly wounded. i too, was reckless, and it had its consequences, as you can see." at that, you all eyed your injuries. even izuku and katsuki batted an eye to yours and shoto's scars and stitches and whatnot. "but a 'consequence', isn't so much of a negative term. it's just the outcome of what you had to do when the time called for it. and what you did was the best thing you could do, so don't look at it as what you did wrong, but as your determination to do the right thing no matter the outcome."

"but.. that doesn't change the fact that it's our fault."

at your words, aizawa took the time to stare at you, eyes gracing over your newfound scar. you weren't looking his way, despite you wanting to. but you just couldn't without feeling like everything was your fault. it was your dad. your dad's girlfriend. if anyone could have the biggest impact on the change, it was you, but yet, you somehow messed it up.

and it dated all the way back to the very beginning.

"rai, to run head first into emiko's graces to grab me and rush me to help, is the best thing you could've done, even with how reckless it was. and the consequence is that i was able to be escorted to the hospital safely and make a fine recovery."

it was a reckless move, you'd admit that much. but then again, he was right, and that made you look at him with wide eyes.

"if you hadn't acted when you did, then my situation could've been worse, so that goes to show that not only should i be thanking you, but you have the capabilities and power of a true hero, and that should never be taken away from you." you dropped your head, feeling tears sting your eyes. that made izuku put a hand on your shoulder as he stared at you with worry and comfort. "don't discredit yourself for the bad outcome. instead credit yourself for the best you could do, and that best saved my life."

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