Chapter 59

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'come on y/n. it's just a couple of words that need to be exchanged.'

that's what you keep telling yourself as you start walking to your house. you have multiple of your classmates' costumes with you along with their requests and most importantly, hatsume's 'babies'.

you take one more deep breath before opening the door to your home. immediately, you frown at the lifeless and cold aura your house emits. never was this house filled with warmth and comfort. despite how big it is, it always felt small.

you walk up the circular steps with uneasiness as you stare at the walls. usually, there would be family portraits, baby pictures or old pictures of parents hanging on the wall. that's what makes a home. sure it's mainly four walls, a roof and a door but that's only the outside. the inside is filled with prized possessions that make a happy family. a happy home. those are the things that bring joy and comfort to a house.

your house has none of that. it never had any of that. if there's one thing you remember from when you were a child, it was always wishing for a supportive mom and dad.

your wish never came true though. every single day, it was the same for you. locking yourself in your room, staring at a ceiling. you remember imagining yourself with your mom and dad. them taking you to a park and some random stranger capturing the moment.

in a way, you and uraraka envy each other.

uraraka wasn't fortunate financially growing up but she had two parents that loved and comforted her. she had a small house but that small house was inhabited by a happy family.

you on the other hand, you have a very big house and you don't ever have to worry about running low on money. but, you have a broken family that makes the big house empty. you never had a mom and your dad never attempted to acknowledge the fact that he had a daughter. you never had that love or support other kids had growing up. you were always alone.

uraraka wants a financially stable life.

you want a loving and supporting family.

you have a financially stable life.

uraraka has a loving and supporting family.

life comes with pros and cons. sometimes, you don't even realize the pros of your life because you're so focused on the cons. you don't even realize that the pros have just as much as an affect as the cons do.

you're too focused on the negatives.

you hear the sound of a screw and you start walking in that direction. the closer the sound gets, the more you dread the oncoming interaction.

you stop at an open door and your mind yells at you to turn around and walk out the house as you watch your dad screw something together.

without warning, you walk into the room. "dad" you call out, setting a bag on the table. your dad stops screwing at the sound of your voice and looks up to see you leaning on a table.

"daughter. how are-"

"i'm not here for a conversation. i just have some favors to ask you for." you cut him off. if he thinks you two will be buddy buddy after the truth came out, he's in for some shock.

"i have some of my classmates' costumes. they're in need of improvements." you say as you open the duffel bag. you take out familiar costumes and set them on the table.

your dad stays silent as he watches you pull out pieces of paper. "here are their requests. i also have my own requests for my costume. here's my measurements." you say, setting down your own paper.

𝔹𝕠𝕝𝕥 [𝚒𝚣𝚞𝚔𝚞 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛]Where stories live. Discover now