Chapter 106

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but the strongest have the most weaknesses.

what does it mean to be the strongest?

to win every fight?

to save everyone?

to be the physically strongest?

if all you ever do is look down on people, you won't be able to recognize your own weaknesses.

with a blank stare, bakugo stares at his wooden desk. he looks around at all the pictures scattering his work space. despite him not coming off as the most friendly guy, his pictures all include the class and specific people from class.

'i know you're the strongest.'

he stares at a picture of himself and another. a girl, to be specific. he's standing there with his eyes rolled and hands stuffed in pockets while the girl with h/c and white hair slings an arm around his shoulder and pulls him closer to her. her fingers stretch the corners of his mouth, making a forced smile come onto his face.

'is being the strongest a physical thing?'

another picture, one that was taken at the sports festival. a specific half and half boy stands on the lowest platform, the number three shining brightly below him.

his chained self stands on the second highest, the number two also shining brightly.

but the highest platform takes the cake. with its number one shining brighter than the sun, the person standing on it claims all the glory of being crowned the winner, the strongest of the first years.

'i want to surpass you. you're the strongest.'


another picture catches him staring.

'what does it take..?'

this one is when he was younger however.

there's little him, standing on top of the monkey bars like the fearless child he was.

'i must be missing something..'

below him, is another boy.

he hangs from the same monkey bar, big green hair almost covering the bar he's holding.

both wear such big smiles. one before the reality of the world caved in on them.

you hate him because you know he's more of a hero than you are.

with or without quirks, you saw the determination and absolute drive he had to be a hero, to save everyone.

you wanna be like him.

you do wanna change your mentality. you want it to be like his.

because you envy him.

'is being the strongest a mental thing?'


"shoto, i was summoned?"

shoto smiles small at your words while you slowly close the door behind you. after making sure it doesn't make a loud sound, you walk towards him and take a seat next to him.

"what's up?"

"how was your trip to your house?"

"never good, why?"

"well midoriya told me about what happened in your room."

"oh." you roll your eyes. "when he dropped whatever he dropped?"

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