Chapter 68 (birthday special)

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if you're an observer, you would know what midoriya meant in that last chapter. and if you really pay attention, you'll remember a specific something that i added in some chapter.

it's ya girl's birthday:)

and since it's my birthday, its rai's birthday too.

enjoy :)

filler-in which class 1-a celebrate rai's birthday.


1:30 pm

since the first semester is ending, everyone got school off today. teachers need to put in grades, prepare lessons and new training exercises for the second semester.

you sit at your computer desk, playing some 8-bit game sero recommend to you. you'd admit it's kind of entertaining and a good time killer since you have no idea what to do today. you switched through hanging out with the girls, izuku or maybe even shoto. but you don't wanna interrupt their day off.

you rapidly click the mouse and keyboard, destroying a boss so you can move onto the next level. you hear a knock at your door, making you turn to it. you pause your game to make sure you don't die before walking to your door. you open it and before you can even comprehend anything, you're in the air.

"uh what- oh. izuku." you say with a smile, looking down at green hair. your smile widens as you're spun around the room until midoriya starts walking to your bed.

"izuku what are you doing?" you ask as you place your hands on his hair, twirling his locks with your fingers.

you let out a small yelp as your back hits your mattress. you start laughing as midoriya plants small kisses all over your face. "izuku that kind of tickles." you laugh again, keeping your hands in his hair.

"happy birthday my love." midoriya says as he lifts his head to look at you, moving your hair out of the way. your eyes widen as you move your head to look at the bottom right of your computer.

june 6, xxxx

"oh... that completely slipped my mind." you admit as you look back at midoriya. he furrows his eyebrows as he keeps himself hovered above you.

"you forgot your own birthday?" he asks, letting out a small laugh. you let out one of your own, slithering your arms around his neck. "never celebrated it. it's always been a normal day to me." you say, thinking back on those dark days.

but now they're bright. your days get brighter and brighter every single day.

"well not today. you have all of us now." midoriya says with a smile, studying your perfect facial features.

perfect is what he sees in his eyes.

"i doubt anyone even knows." you say as you start to sit up. you put your hands behind you to hold yourself up as midoriya scoots closer to you.

"then let me take you out. let's spend the day together." he proposes.

you hum as you pretend to think. you're obviously gonna say yes but you wanna mess with the boy a bit. you let out a small laugh, stopping your annoying actions and smiling at him.

"i'd love too." you accept, making midoriya smile brightly. he presses a hand to your stomach, making you slowly fall back down until your back is pressed against the mattress again.

"good. text me when you're done getting ready okay?" midoriya whispers as he lightly kisses your ear. your body starts to heat up as you bring him close to you.

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