Chapter 70 (filler)

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filler-in which class 1-a has nighttime training.


"a team to our left walking an alleyway." you inform as you sit comfortably on top of a metal rod that hangs from a tall building.

"and who are the bastards we need to take down?" bakugo asks in a surprisingly calm voice, dangerously hanging from that same rod with only one hand.

"zoom." you whisper as you keep your fingers pressed against your temple. through your green and blue vision, you can see outlines of two of your classmates.

"jirou and tokoyami." you answer.

"then let's fucking go." bakugo says as his palms start to spark. "stop. we need to play this safe. there's people that are after us. we can't just attack without some type of plan."

knowing you're right, bakugo groans as he swings to the top of the bars. crouching next to your sitting form, he looks into the starry night of field beta. there's so many buildings and poles diversely elevated that it's hard to spot people.

in addition, it's pitch black outside.

"do they have their flag?" bakugo asks next to you. "yeah, it's on jirou." you answer, seeing a triangular piece of fabric tied to jirou's hip. "if we're planning to attack them, we need to be quick and smooth. jirou has advanced hearing and mixed with tokoyami, they make a fatal duo. especially at night." you warn.

"yeah yeah, enough with the yapping and let's take these guys down!" bakugo says as he stands up. you do the same and you feel your hair flow behind you as you look around for any unsuspecting teams.

"you have the flag, right?" you ask, turning to bakugo who cracks his neck. he answers with a grunt which is good enough for you. the smirk plastered on his face makes you smirk as you two activate your quirks, getting ready to take off.

"see that large pole? that's the alleyway they're in." you inform, crouching in preparation. bakugo says nothing but puts his hands behind him, getting ready to use his explosions to fly.

a loud explosion sets off, alarming everyone at the training grounds. they look up and see a white spark alongside a series of explosions and some start following the two figures in the sky.

"bakugo and rai are on a team? that's just unfair!" kaminari whines as he sits on top of a building next to hagakure.

"tokoyami, explosions and light cackling are getting louder and louder." jirou informs as she stops in her tracks.

you land on a building and deactivate your quirk, free running across the buildings. bakugo stays in the air and you keep pace with him as you two get closer and closer to your targets. as soon as bakugo sees his targets, he immediately flies to them. "THAT FLAG IS MINE!"

"you mean ours." you correct, rolling your eyes as you start sliding down buildings.

"tokoyami!" jirou yells in shock at the sudden ambush. said boy turns around to see you and bakugo making your way to them and he immediately unleashes his quirk. "dark shadow!"

dark shadow starts to grow larger and larger due to the darkness but immediately gets small as a sphere of lightning gets thrown at him. he dodges as jirou's earphone jack starts flying to you.

swiftly dodging it, you hope that bakugo can take care of tokoyami as you take care of jirou. another earphone jack comes your way but instead of dodging it, you grab it and tug on it, making jirou hiss in pain.

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