Chapter 50

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you were up.

you were standing.

you could look around.

but you can't move.

all you see is gray.

your whole body was covered with black and white static, making you unable to move. your mouth is covered, making you unable to speak.

the only thing you can do is see.

is watch

'what's going on? where am i?' you think as you're forced to stand still.

"i refuse."

"come on my dear, don't you want to be strong?"

your eyes widen as two figures appear in front of you. you try to yell out to them but your mouth is covered with static.

'what is this? is this some kind of dream?' you think as you look around with your eyes. you can't move your head nor your body one centimeter. you've never felt more stuck in your life.

"i refuse to accept your stupid morals and your stupid power!" one person yells, a female. the only noticeable feature is her snowy white hair. her whole face is fogged up, making you unable to see who it is.

'who is that? do i know her?' you think. the other person, a male who also has white hair. you can see the bottom half of his head, that being his mouth and half of his nose. but the upper half is covered with static.

"with my power, you can stand alongside me and we'll watch the world crumble together. doesn't that sound fascinating?" the male asks.

your eyes widen is horror as you recognize that voice. you've only heard it a few times but it's a voice that'll forever be deep in your brain. it's too horrid to forget.

'it's all for one.... what is he doing here? what am i doing here?'

"there's nothing fascinating about that! you're a monster!" the female yells. "no need for such nasty insults, dear. doesn't the sound of citizens yelling out for their lives feel like music to your ears?" all for one asks.

"only a sick bastard would find that amusing." the woman spat. "that's not how you talk to your husband now, is it?" all for one asks.

'husband?! why would this woman marry this man?' you think as you watch in shock and horror. there's nothing else you can do except watch.

"i'm not gonna be the wife to some sick villain! fuck you and your villainy!" the woman says. if she had a face, you would've assumed she was glaring at the man before her.

you see all for one's lips turn down in a scowl, "you'll be joining me in my villainy soon my dear. you will accept my power."

"never in a million years."

your eyes widen again as all for one reels his hand back. you try to move and protect the woman but you're still immobilized. you wanna yell out but you can't do anything.

anything but watch.

it seemed to go by in slow motion, all for one's hand getting closer and closer to the woman. she does nothing but stands there, seemingly accepting her fate. you try with all your might to get in between the two, doing anything your mind comes too. you kick, yell, punch and anything else that'll take the attention onto you. however, none of it actually registers.

you accept your defeat and watch against your will as this woman is about to get hurt. all for one's hand gets closer.

and closer.

𝔹𝕠𝕝𝕥 [𝚒𝚣𝚞𝚔𝚞 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛]Where stories live. Discover now