Chapter 4

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"Mr Buggy will be mad if we arrive late" "We know" "Hey look is that a girl."

They look and see the carrot haired thief waving and calling for help.

"Please save me and I'll pay you." She says

"Sure" they answer her

Once they hop in her boat she jumps into theirs and steals their ship leaving them stranded in the ocean.

"Haha yes treasure. See you boys."

Meanwhile Luffy, Zoro and Little y/n are hanging in the boat, drifting at sea, Luffy and Zoro wondering why neither of them have any navigation skills while y/n is wondering why they look so miserable and why it was so hot she was lying in the bottom of the boat like a starfish.

Suddenly the boat started rocking and Luffy's straw hat blows away, fluttering through the air.

"No come back" Luffys says while frantically trying to catch. Zoro tries and misses the straw hat lands on y/n causing her to hold it gently and place it on Luffy's head again. "Hehe thanks y/n"

Zoro asks "Why is that hat so important to you?"

This question causes Luffy to have a flashback.

Young Luffy is in a bar filled the pirates, the crew of Shanks.

"Your just a kid Luffy." Shanks tells him

"No I'm not I'm a man"

Yassop one of shanks crew says "I've got a son about your age Luffy."

A bandit named Higuma kicks down the door and walks in. "Give me some sake."

"I'm sorry but we don't have any sake it's all sold." The bartender a girl named Makino says.

"Here have a bottle." Shanks offers the man

Instead of accepting the offer he smashes the bottle and replies. "I'm a wanted man with an 8,000,000 beri on my head." He then storms out of the bar. Shanks crew starts to laugh.

Luffy gets angry "Why didn't you fight back Shanks? You could've easily taken him."

Luffy spots a devil fruit in a chest and goes over and eats it. Shanks sees this and goes over and hangs him upside down.

"Spit it out Luffy."

Too late though the effects already started to take place. Eating the Gom Gom devil fruit turned him into a rubber man and he will never be able to swim again.

Later Luffy is attacked by Higuma and his bandits outside. Makino sees this and runs to the Mayor who yells. "Stop this."

Higuma then decides that he will kill Luffy, but shanks and his crew arrive. One of the bandits point a gun at shanks head.

"Don't move"

"Are you going to shoot?" Shanks asks

"Never pull out your weapon on a man unless you are prepared to shoot and kill."

With insane speed Lucky Rouix shoots the bandit through the head killing him. Everyone is shocked as shanks says, "We are dangerous pirates."

More bandits charge at shanks but Ben Beckman steps forward and swings his riffle like a club, taking them all out.

"If you were truly serious about fighting us you should have brought a battleship." Beckman said.

Higuma scared throws a smoke bomb making his escape taking Luffy with him.

He takes a boat out to see and throws Luffy into the sea, but since he's ate the devil fruit he can't swim. Slowly he drowns.

"Hahaha" Higuma laughs at Luffy while a sea monster comes up from behind him and eats him.

" Ahhhh help Shanks help me."

Shanks holds Luffy and stops the sea monster as he takes a bite driving it away with just a look.

Luffy clutches shanks as he cries. "Shanks your arm. I'm sorry."

"It's ok" shanks says "It's ok. As long as you are safe."

Later and his crew are packing their stuff when Luffy appears. "I'm going to be a pirate and go on an adventure."

Shanks places his straw hat on Luffy and says, "I want you to take care of this hat for me and return it to me when you become a pirate and the meet again."

They then sail away. And Luffy comes back to reality from the flashback.

Luffy looks up and sees a pink bird in the sky and him being always hungry decided to eat it.

"Gom Gom rocket." Launching himself at the bird but ends up getting his head stuck in the birds beak.

Y/n is just giggling away at the sight. "Silly Luffy."

"Dammit Luffy." Zoro said as he paddles after it in fury.

They end up coming across the pirates that were left stranded earlier by the carrot top thief. "We are pirates of Buggy the clown we are taking this boat." They only end up getting a beating from Zoro " You are going to row without any complaints understood." He said while glaring at them about to draw a sword. The little girl smiling.

Meanwhile the bird that has Luffy flies over a town and drops Luffy. In this town a certain carrot top is seen fleeing from Buggy's crew with a map of the Grand Line.

"Well that was an interesting experience." Luffy says.

"Hey Zoro they're slowing down" Yan said while pointing at them.

"Who said you can stop keep going." Zoro says

Little y/n turns and sees an island in the distance knowing that's where Luffy is.

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