Chapter 6

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As the smoke of the Buggy Ball's explosion clears, Zoro who is still wounded picks up Luffy's cage and drags it all the way to a nearby pet shop. He soon collapses barley conscious due to his blood loss.

Little y/n runs over to him. "Zoro please be ok, don't die" she had tears in her eyes as she watched Zoro fall asleep.

Luffy spots a small puppy at the front of the pet shop.

Nami comes and tosses the key to the cage at Luffy, but the puppy swallows the key causing Luffy to start strangling the puppy catching y/n's attention.

"No Luffy" Y/n says as she runs over to him "Let go of the puppy Luffy" Tugging on his arms trying to make him let go of the puppy.

The mayor then arrives "Leave the dog alone."

Luffy lets go of the dog who then returns to his spot in front of the pet shop.

The mayor brings the wounded Zoro to his house so that he can sleep and heal. Then the mayor returns to Luffy.

"That dog has gone through so much. His name is Chouchou, his master was my good friend he owned this pet shop."

"He died a few years ago leaving Chouchou alone. They were very close but Chouchou must've realized that his owner was dead."

"So he has stayed at this shop protecting it and never leaving it because it's all he has left it's his treasure."

"I come every day and feed him, while he sits there guarding it."

The mayor explained to Luffy. Y/n listened and looked at Chouchou "I'm sorry Chouchou." She said.

Soon Buggy's first mate Mohji arrives riding on top a lion called Richie. He starts questioning Luffy, "Where is Zoro."

Luffy doesn't answer. Mohji attempts to train Chouchou but gets bitten instead. The dog attacks the lion but gets swatted away.

"Chouchou are you ok" The little girl says as she runs to him gently holding him.

The lion then turns his attention to Luffy smashing the cage his in sending him flying into a building. Y/n sits there with wide eyes hoping Luffy is ok.

Chouchou jumps out of y/n's arms and starts fighting Richie again to protect his treasure, but takes a severe beating.

Meanwhile Nami and the mayor run up to Luffy and are amazed to see that he is still alive.

Luffy watches as Chouchou fights valiantly against the lion, and soon the pet shop gets destroyed and goes up in flames.

"Chouchou!" Y/n yells as she runs to him to help.

But Luffy grabs her stopping her from running into the fight and getting hurt.

"Why'd you stop me. He needs help or he'll die" the little girl cry's as she watches.

Luffy gets angry seeing that Mohji and Richie go at him again he intervenes.

"Gom Gom rocket" driving the lion into the ground.

Mohji sees that Luffy has devil fruit powers and becomes afraid bowing. "Please forgive me, forgive me" he begs.

Luffy beats the tamer into the ground with one punch knocking him out, because his apology won't bring back Chouchou's treasure.

Y/n goes over to Chouchou "I'm so sorry you lost your treasure" she says trying to comfort the sad dog.

The tamer returns to Buggy telling him about the loss, which causes Buggy to say well order his crew "Destroye the whole town" The crew fire a Buggy ball which destroys the mayors house which is where Zoro is sleeping causing the small girl to start crying while hugging Luffy thinking that Zoro was dead.

But surprisingly Zoro is standing on top of the rubble "Huh what happened. Who woke me up"

Y/n has a smile on her face when she hears his voice. "Zoro!"

"I'm going to fight Buggy I will not allow him to destroy this town." Mayor states

"That's not a good idea." Both Nami, Zoro and Luffy tell him.

Ignoring the advice of the three he heads off to fight Buggy and his crew.

"Join my crew Nami." Luffy says she replies with "I will temporarily join your crew cause we share a common goal."

Meanwhile Buggy orders "Fire the second Buggy Ball." But the mayor arrives and stops it "I challenge you to a fight" But buggy's hand grabs him and starts choking him. Luffy arrives and pulls Buggy's hand off saving the mayor.

Y/n stands next to Zoro watching the group knowing that this will only end one way.

"Luffy will win"

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