Chapter 11

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Zoro, Nami and Y/n are still waiting for Luffy and Usopp. They spot Usopp running up to them but he runs right past them.

"Huh what was that about?" Nami questions

Usopp runs into the village and starts yelling, "The pirates are are coming, the pirates are coming." "You need to leave."

The townspeople are furious at Usopp and come out of their homes. "We don't believe you, you always lie, get out of here."

Usopp realises that what Kuro said was true they won't believe him.

Meanwhile back with Zoro and the others.

Y/n said "We should go and look for Luffy."

"Hmm yeah let's go." Zoro answered the small girl.

They start heading towards the coast and find Luffy lying at the bottom of the cliff.

"He looks dead." Nami told them.

"I think he's sleeping." The small girl pointed out.

However Luffy wakes up when Zoro pokes him not at all injured by the fall.

Back at the mansion, Merry shows Kaya the glasses that she asked him to buy for Klahadore. "Thank you Merry, I hope he likes them." "I'm sure he will."

At that moment Usopp arrives at Kayaks mansion telling her, "Kaya Klahadore plans to assassinate you and claim your fortune ."

"No I, I don't believe you, you are wrong." Kaya answers.

"Kaya please believe me please." Usopp begs.

"Get out, get out, just get out." Kaya yells.

Back with the others. "We saw that butler who is actually a pirate and plans to kill Kaya and steal her money and raid the town." "Then I fell asleep and fell of the cliff hehe."

"We need to get to town and get some meat." Luffy says heading off.

Back with Usopp he grabs Kaya's arm and drags her out the window with Merry and guards following with guns. He uses his slingshot to drive them away. Merry shoots Usopp in the arm which causes Usopp to run away.

On the ship of the Black Cat Pirates, Kuro stands before them and says, "We will attack the village at dawn as I have planned."

At sunset Usopp walked along the beach thinking back to the stories he use to tell Kaya. When he here's the Usopp pirates calling him he looks up and is shocked to see that Luffy is still alive and runs up to them.

"I told Kaya about the plan to kill her but she didn't believe me neither did the villages when I told them about the attack." Usopp explains to the group.

That same evening Nami patches up Usopp's arm that was shot and asks. "Why did you say that you made everything up?"

"It's because I'm a liar, and no one would believe me me anyway." Usopp replied. He continues, "I love this village and I want to protect it, so I will stand against the pirates."

Luffy, Nami, Zoro and Y/n all decide to join Usopp. So Usopp stands up and declares. "Even though I'm scared I will fight." He saysnthis while his ,egos shake like crazy.

Y/n thinks that it will be easy to do with Luffy's help.

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