Chapter 16

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As the Usopp Pirates and Kaya are running through the woods they believe that they have lost Jango, but he instead proves them wrong, by chopping all the trees down with his pendulum. 

The group then hide behind a fallen tree inhales that they will not be found.

Back with Zoro and Usopp, Usopp decide to give Zoro an order much to Y/n's dismay thinking that it will not end well at all.

"Zoro you need to go east." Usopp states.

In which Zoro replies, "Do I go left or right."

"Go left." Usopp says

But Zoro opts for the other way.

With the group that is currently running for the lives from Jango, Kaya trips and tells the others,

"Leave me, go on ahead."

"No! It is our job to protect you." The Usopp Pirates reply determined to fulfil their duty.

The small pirates realise that not only is Jango close by, Kaya is burning up. Realising that they have to make a choice to either, leave Kaya and run or stay and fight Jango.

"Hey guys, what would Usopp do?"

"He would fight." They reply. 

"Ninjin, we can not just die for Kaya."

"We are not fighting to die, but to live." Ninjin replies to his friend.

Meanwhile, after one of his cat claw gloves was destroyed by Luffy, Kuro gets up and informs the Black Cat pirates.

"I will kill you and Jango later."

"I was planning on killing the Black Cat pirates anyway to prove his innocence and not to make notice that he was still alive."

Kuro's statement leaves his crew shocked.

"Your pirate crew is dumb." Luffy blatantly tells him.

One by one the Black Cats start falling, Nami, Luffy and y/n watch in disbelief.

In the forest the small pirates attack Jango with pepper, pan and log. Jango choke slams Tamanegi, kaya reveals herself before Ninjin and Piiman get hurt.

"In return for letting them go, I will write the will, leaving everything to Klahadore.

After Kuro finishes the rampage of killing his own men, he turns to Luffy and tries to attack him, but he easily dodges.

Luffy informs Kuro, "Your shakushi has too many useless movements, making it easy to predict you."

Kuro responds, "Don't get cocky, I've been toying with you up until now."

Before he could do anything, Luffy quickly grabs his leg and jumps on him. Luffy using his stretching ability to wrap all around Kuro, preventing him from moving.

"You can't run around now that you are wrapped up." Luffy says.

At first the Black Cats that remain alive are shocked that Luffy can so easily catch Kuro. This makes them realise that if Luffy wins they won't die. So they start to cheer him on.

Y/n giggles, "Go Luffy!"

Meanwhile back in the forest, Jango is about to kill Kaya when the small pirates use a shovel they found and knock him over.

Jango notices them and kicks them sending them flying. Zoro who was waiting, finally comes out and Jango sees him.

Jango yells, "You are too late."

Instead of attacking him, Zoro cuts down a branch that was in the way of Usopp. Usopp now has a clear shot and takes it, using his abilities as a great sniper, he prevents Jango from killing Kaya.

Back on the shore, Luffy has Kuro's crew cheering him on. He headbutts Kuro and stretches his head all they way to the pirates and yells.

"Don't cheer for me!"

The small girl looks at him realising why he doesn't want them to but also wondering if that means she can't cheer for him.

Kuro yells before the girl can decide, "My plan will never fail..."

He's cut off by another headbutt form Luffy causing the small girl to giggle.

Luffy's attack is stronger than the last one, knocking over Kuro completely.

Kuro's crew stands there amazed that the man not even the marines could stop was taking out by a kid wearing a straw hat.

They ask Luffy, "Who are you?"

Luffy responds with a big grin, "I'm Monkey D. Luffy."

Y/n mentions, "Cat man wasn't strong."

Nami looked at the girl curious as to why she would say that but dismissed it non the less.

Luffy also says, "I'd never lose to someone who ran away from his crew. A true pirate is loyal till the day he dies."

Luffy's crew starts to regroup.

Usopp tells his gang to stay quiet. However they don't want to, instead they want to tell the whole village what happened and to be heroes.

Even Kaya is pitching in telling Usopp, "You should go with them and clear up any misunderstandings with the village before you leave."

Usopp looks at Kaya and replies, "Even if I did, they would just think I am lying like usual."

Usopp heads of to go and meet Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats.

"Thanks Luffy, I would have never been able to protect the village alone." Usopp informs him.

Usopp tells his small pirate gang, "I'm leaving to be a real pirate, so this is goodbye."

"I'm proud of you guys for helping me defend the village. This battle that you just fought will be the last one we'll fight together."

"I order you to go and follow your own paths." Usopp says a bit dramatically as the small pirates leave and go their own ways.

Kaya starts feeling better and has prepared a present for Luffy.

"Luffy I want to thank you and your crew for protecting me and my village."

"I have prepared a present for you as a thank you." Kaya says pointing in the direction of the sea.

"Luffy look!" Y/n exclaims excitedly running to the edge as Luffy picked her up, placing her on his shoulders. The wind blowing her hair.

The gift is a ship made by the Merry, the Going Merry. Having a lambs head with a cannon beneath.

Usopp finished packing his bag. The small girl just stared at him thinking that he must've packed his whole house.

Y/n giggles as she watches him struggle to pull it through the door. It finally comes loose sending him and his bags rolling down the cliff.

Luffy and Zoro stop him before he can hit the Going Merry.

Usopp tells Luffy, "I hope that some day we will meet at see and be rivals."

Luffy replies seeming confused, "What are you talking about? Aren't we comrades?"

At that statement Usopp happily joins Luffy's crew and sail of together.

The Usopp gang of three walk through the village carrying out the same traditional waring to the village "The Pirates are Coming." Kaya wishes to become a doctor after finding out about Usopp's childhood from Merry, who heard it from the villagers.

The small girl has a smile on her face as she runs along the ship, looking out to sea, ending up on the lamb's head, wondering what exciting adventure will happen next with her now growing family.

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