Chapter 29

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The Arlong Pirates make it to Bell-mère's house and he knock's on the door himself.

"Come in!" Bell-mère yells from inside.

Arlong comes in looking around not seeing anyone at first but is then attacked by Bell-mère who kicks him down outside and holds a rifle to his mouth.

Bell-mère says, "I'm a former marine, what does a pirate like you want with Cocoyasi Village?"

The other fish men suddenly start laughing, surprising Bell-mère as Arlong effortlessly bites through her gun destroying it.

As Arlong bragged about is superior strength, Young Nami and Nojiko are running towards the house to help Bell-mère escape.

Nako catches the two girls, "You can't go back, the truth is hard to see."

The three watch as Bell-mère's arm is brutally crushed and stepped on by Arlong.

Genzo soon shows up and says, "Bell-mère don't waste your life away if the situation can be settled by money."

"I will stop if you pay the fee I want." Arlong informs her.

"How much do you have?" Genzo asks Bell-mère.

She replies. "Not even close to that price."

Hatchan inspects the house, "The table inside is set for three."

Genzo quickly says, "Its for myself and a friend."

"Thats right." Kuroobi confirms as he looks at paper work, "She doesn't have kids."

Over at the bushes Nako tells the two girls, "You must leave the island and never look back, it's only way no one dies."

"I want the pirates to leave not us." Young Nami argues.

"Ok I don't want Bell-mère to die." Young Nojiko says reluctantly agreeing with Young Nami.

As everyone is about to leave, Bell-mère speaks up, "The money is for my tow daughters." Shocking everyone.

Genzo is upset at this Bell-mère explains, "I'm not going to pretend they don't exist, I am happy to die knowing that I have been a mother."

Young Nami and Nojiko hug Bell-mère with tears in their eyes, "I wish I could've been a better mother to you two girls."

"No please, please don't die." The two girls plead. "I want to show you my map." Young Nami tells her.

Bell-mère tells Young Nami with a sad smile, "Follow your dream even when I'm not here to see you finish."

Arlong walks up to the family, noticing young Nami and Nojiko as Bell-mère's daughters.

"Please you need to leave my two girls alone." Bell-mère informs Arlong who agrees.

However Arlong says, "You will die without a fight though."

Genzo tries to shoot Arlong but Kuroobi uses his fins to block the shots and uses his sword to slash Genzo down.

An angry mob of villagers appear behind the Arlong Pirates, Arlong orders his men to teach them a lesson. As his men start to beat the villagers, Arlong points his pistol at Bell-mère reading to kill her.

Bell-mère pushes the girls off to the side preventing them from getting hurt, "I love you both." Arlong then shoots her through the heart , killing her instantly.

Young Nami and Nojiko cry as they watch their mothers body fall to the ground.

Arlong calls out to everyone, "This is what will happen if you don't listen."

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