Chapter 8

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Buggy has a flash back to when he was younger.

"The North Pole is colder."

"No the South Pole is colder"

"North Pole" "South Pole"

As Shanks and Buggy kept arguing over which one was colder another crew mate comes over and separates them.

"Come on we're attacking a pirate ship."

As they board Buggy cuts down one of the crew aboard the vessel and finds a treasure map hiding it in his shirt keeping it a secret. The pirate crew through a party. Buggy and Shanks sit together.

"I'm going to start my own pirate crew" Shanks tells Buggy.

"We grabbed a devil fruit in that raid it's worth 100,000,000 beri." Shanks also mentioned to him.

Buggy hatches a plan to steal the devil fruit and eat a fake one so that he can sell it. How ever shanks finds him which surprises Buggy and causes him to eat the real one, this makes him livid about swallowing the devil fruit and starts yelling at Shanks. The map he stole fluttered into the ocean and he jumped in after it not realising he can't swim.

So Shanks saves him.

Back to the present with Luffy. Luffy says, "Shanks saved you're life."

"No my plan was delayed for 10 years." After say this Buggy  Buggy's upper body then separates and rises up.

He spots Nami stealing his treasure and goes after her, but Luffy kicks Buggy's lower body in the groin. Buggy collapses and is even more frustrated after hearing what Nami says " haha I'm keeping your treasure all to myself.

"Chop chop festival" His body parts fly around everywhere. Luffy grabs one of his feet and starts tickling it and pulling in it.

When Buggy attempts to rejoin his body parts only his head, feet and hands come together.

Y/n who was watching the whole thing started laughing "hahaha his so small now his nose is still big."

Luffy laughed along with y/n finding it funny as well.

Meanwhile Buggy looks around and sees that Nami has tied the rest of his body parts up.

"Gom Gom Bazooka." Luffy uses sending Buggy flying.

"Wow he flew so far" y/n mentioned to no one in particular.

The towns people led by Poro come and find most of the town in ruins, and Boodie the mayor unconscious, so they on Nami, Luffy, Zoro and y/n.

Luffy being Luffy says "We are pirates."

Which makes the towns people start chasing them. Luffy picks y/n up and they all start running down an alley but as they do Chouchou stopes the towns people.

"Thanks Chouchou." Y/n shouts to the small dog.

They come up to their boat and Nami to hers. When the three pirates of buggy's crew see Zoro they flee scared of him. Nami gets into her ship whole Luffy, y/n and Zoro get into theirs and sail away.

As they are leaving the towns mayor comes to and scolds the townspeople for chasing away Luffy and his friends.

"Thank you." The mayor yells to them.

"Wait where's the rest of my treasure Luffy." Nami asks him.

"Oh I left it for the townspeople so they can repair their town" Luffy replies.


Zoro laughs and y/n giggles at the two.

Meanwhile Nami tries drowning Luffy all the while saying.

"You are to kind and it wasn't yours to give away."

In another location a long nosed young man can be seen standing proud.

Y/n looks out thinking she found her new family.

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