Chapter 13

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After defeating the Black Cat pirates the group start to argue about who to blame for who made them late. Y/n is looking around because she didn't see Jango get beat up. She spots him and see that he's about to hypnotise everyone.

"Close your eyes or Jango will..." Her warning was too late though. "...Hypnotise you."

They became stronger and enraged Zoro managed to break the north slope with just his left arm. Which left a stunned y/n afraid. They start heading to Syrup village.

However Luffy getting hypnotised made him even stronger than the others and just as enraged.

"Oh no" y/n says as she sees him getting ready to attack she takes a step back.

"Gom Gom Gatling." Luffy knicker them all out and runs straight to Bezan Black.

One of the pirates asks "What is he doing?"

Luffy continues to use his full strength to remove the ships figure head.

Jango quickly hypnotises Luffy who falls asleep, the figure head falling on top of him, before he can do anymore damage. It also falls on some of the crew.

Back at Syrup village one of the Usopp pirates runs to the others and tells them. "Kaya's Butler is acting weird. We need to warn Kaya."

Tamanegi suspects that Usopp was lying, but he still wants to protect his home, his village, he's determined to.

After seeing that her window is open, the Usopp pirates think she might be out to town somewhere. The Usopp pirates try to open the secret passage that Usopp uses but it was to hard for them.

However Kaya is still home and is having a bad dream, about Usopp killing her. She wakes up and decides to go and find Klahadore. While searching she finds Merry on the floor, terribly wounded, but still alive.

Merry tells Kaya, " Klahadore is actually captain Kuro and he wants to take your inheritance."

Kaya realises that Usopp was telling the truth about Kuro.

Merry also tells her, "You are the only one who can stop him now."

Kaya becomes determined to find and stop Kuro.

Meanwhile, the Usopp pirates, who are trying their best to get inside Kaya's mansion, they see Kaya walking out if the Mansion heading towards the north slope. They follow her discreetly.

Back in the north slope, the straw hat pirates and Usopp are confident  that they are winning the battle against the Black Cat pirates until Jango, frightened and desperate not to let Kuro down, calls forth his last trump card, the Nayban brothers. "Attack them, start with that one." Jango orders pointing at Zoro.

The brothers pretend to be afraid hoping that Zoro will let down his guard. One of the brothers attacks Zoro and steal two of Zoro's swords, throwing them away. Zoro slashes the brother, but misses and tries to recover his swords but to no avail. Sham jumps to Zoro's back and throws him to the ground.

Buchi joins his brother and tries to use his Cat the Funjyatta technique on Zoro, but the swordsman dodges it at the last minute.

The Nyaban Brothers then use their Nero Yangi Daikoshin technique on Zoro while the swordsman blocks as best he can. Usopp tries to help him by attacking one of the brothers but Zoro uses himself as a shield at the last second.

The two brothers slash Zoro quickly after that, gravely wounding him. Usopp fires his slingshot again in an attempt to help Zoro, But Zoro takes the damage, leaving himself to be hit by Buchi.

Nami angrily yells at Usopp, " You failed, you hit Zoro."

"No I didn't, Zoro took that hit in purpose." Usopp explains.

Zoro yells at them, "If you hit the pair, they will come after you instead."

"He's trying to protect us." Y/n inputs.

Nami tries to get Zoro's  swords for him, however as she approaches so does Jango and the others then see Kuro at the top of the north slope. "Why is it that dawn has passed and yet my plan is not in motion." He demands.

Y/n looks in his direction and wonders who will win.

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