Chapter 10

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The mysterious moonwalking man stops and looks and some sheep.

Meanwhile at the mansion Klahadore is asking, "Please leave as you are trespassing"

"Klahadore it's ok that they are there." Kaya tells him

"I will listen to your explanation later." He responds ignoring what she said.

Usopp tries  to hide from the Butler by hiding behind tree but gets caught anyway.

"Your father is a filthy, low class pirate" the Butler says making Usopp livid.

Usopp angrily punches him knocking him down. Klahadore gets up still taunting him.

"He's making him angry we should stop him from punching him again." Y/n tells Luffy.

"No wonder they say "like father, like son"

Usopp responds by saying " I am proud that my father is a pirate and I will defend him"

They all leave. Late Kaya is crying in her room and her Butler comes in to bring her meal. But she refuses to eat it and is still sad about what happened.

"Klahadore why were you so harsh." Kaya asks him.

"Remember three years ago when I turned up to the mansion battered and dying. Not only did your father help me he gave me a job and if anything happened to you I would not forgive myself."

"Having your best interests in heart and caring for you is the only way I can repay your parents."

"What happened earlier... are you still angry at me?"

Kaya is unsure so she responds "No, it's nothing like that."

On another part of the island, the mystery man who's named Jango, is still moonwalking. He's spotted by a member of the Usopp pirates who runs back to report it to Luffy and the others.

Meanwhile Nami, y/n and Zoro are sitting in the fence y/n swinging her legs all wondering where Luffy went. The member of Usopp pirates comes running up to them saying "There's a strange backwards-walking man coming this way."

Jango the moonwalking man walks up to them "I am not weird."

"Well I think you are a weirdo." Nami tells him.

"You are weird, you walk backwards." Y/n frankly said not caring at all.

"That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard. I am just a hypnotist passing by."

The Usopp pirates wanted a demonstration so he complies and ends up hypnotising everyone including himself but Nami to sleep.

Y/n falling asleep makes her remember her past something she wishes to forget.

Y/n's memories.

"Hey big brother Natsu" y/n says jumping on her older brother.

"Hey y/n what is it." Natsu asks

"I love you"


"Yep" "I love you always little sis."

They lived on an island filled with cherry blossom trees, dragons and wolves an island hidden on the grand line that only the people born there can find. The island itself is a myth and legend and will now forever be lost.

"Come on lets head back it's getting late."

"Oh ok."

Natsu knew something was coming and it wasn't good it would be the last time they ever saw each other again. The last time her life would be normal.

Back with Luffy who is sitting with Usopp on a cliff overlooking the ocean talking about how Yasopp is a great pirate.

Below them they see Klahadore and Jango discussing plans to kill Kaya and steal her fortune.

Jango says. "Your pirates are mobilising and  are ready to mount an attack on the village and kill Kaya, but to make it look like an accident like you ordered."

Luffy stands up and yells, "Don't kill Kaya" while Usopp freaks out because now there cover is blown. Jango quickly hypnotises Luffy who falls forward off the cliff, landing on his head, making them all think that he is dead.

"Anything you say will not be believed because the while village thinks you are a liar." Kuro states

Usopp takes off running to warn Kaya while Kuro goes off and readies his crew for assassination.

Y/n wakes up sad and happy that she saw her brother again but also the last time she did.

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