Chapter 28

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Hatchan, Kuroobi and Chew starting searching through a ship that fell from the sky.

Hatchan remarks, "I've never seen a ship fall from they sky before."

"It seems that we have unwanted visitors." Kuroobi says.

"I wonder why they are in the island." Chew questions.

The three fish men spot Luffy and Y/n in the distance. "Who are they?"

The three fishe men stand in front if the two, attempting to stop them.

"Cool. So this is what fish men look like." Luffy says.

"They look like fish at least." Y/n says, while Luffy and herself walk past them.

Hutchan speaks up, "Why are you here on the island?"

"Why is it your business?" Y/n asks.

Hatchan replies, "We don't get many visitors."

"I'm Luffy this is Y/n, we are just passing through."

Kuroobi speaks up, "Where are you going?"

"I don't know." Luffy simply states.

This surprises the three fish men, seeing him and the little girl, both without fear.

Back to the others, Zoro is under a tree as always, Usopp and Sanji are talking with Nojiko about a woman named Bell-mère.

Meanwhile Nami is at her old house, having just woken up from a nap, she still holds certainty that she can and she will by her hometown back from Arlong.

As Nojiko tells the story, she remembers both the good and the bad memories.

Young Nami is excitedly drawing her own map giggling while looking at the finished product. "Perfect!"

Young Nami heads to the library in search of a particular book, sneaking through the different shelves until she comes across the one she needs.

She looks around, grabs the book and then tries to sneak off with it but the librarian stops her.

"Oh hello Nami, do you need help with anything?" The librarian asks.

Young Nami replies, "No thanks."

She walks backwards with the book hidden in her shirt, attempting to get away with out the lady noticing.

Young Nami ends up running into Genzo causing her to drop the book in the process.

"I told you to stop stealing, this is the last time you re caught stealing ok." Genzo yells at her while dragging her out into the village.

Young Nami yelled back, "It's the only thing I can do since I don't have any money!"

They eventually make it to Bell-mère's house with Genzo knocking on the door.

"Open the door Bell-mère, Nami was caught stealing again." Genzo says.

Bell-mère opens the door and Genzo says, "You must keep Name under control or she'll end up in jail."

After persuading Genzo to drop the charges, Bell-mère brings young Nami inside and hits her.

"You shouldn't be stealing." Bell-mère tells her.

'I really wanted the book and I know you can't afford it." Young Nami explains.

Bell-mèrre assures her, "There is enough money left over from the harvest."

"We can't raise the price of the tangerines since the weather has been good and other people are growing their own." Young Nami states.

Nojiko suddenly appears bragging, "I wouldn't have gotten myself caught."

However this causes Bell-mère to slap them both, "You will not steal again."

"I'm impressed Nami, this is really good." Bell-mère tells her, while holding the map that she drew.

Young Nami explains to the two, 'I wanted the book so I could study and become a navigator."

"My dream is to draw a map of the entire world." Young Nami continued.

"I'm sure your dream will come true." Bell-mére states.

Sometime later as it's raining, the three sitting down eating.

Young Nami asks, "Why haven't you been eating with us lately Bell-mère?"

"I'm only eating tangerines since I'm on a diet." She replies.

Nojiko suddenly says, "I'm not eating either." Knowing that she is lying.

Nojiko adds, "You are starving yourself so Nami and I can eat."

Bell-mère assures them, "I'm fine you don't need to worry."

She continues working on the dress that she was making for Nami.

"How come Nojiko gets better clothes than I do?" Young Nami says complaining.

"My clothes are made as well Nami, just deal with it." Nojiko also tells her.

Young Nami yells back, "We aren't real sisters!"

This causes Bell-mère to become angry and slap her very hard, knocking her down.

Bell-mère says angrily, "Even though you aren't blood related, I don't want to hear you saying something like that again."

Young Nami barks back, "You aren't my mum! I wish I was adopted by someone richer."

"Go live with someone else then." Bell-mère says coldly.

Young Nami, crying, runs out of the house into the cold rain.

A brief silence fills the house until Nojiko finally speaks up, "We are a family no matter what."

"Go find Nami." Bell-mère tells her, proud of how mature she is acting.

It's stopped raining outside as the people of Cocoyasi Village are seen enjoying their lives. Young Namui is standing inside Genzo's house being dried off.

"Bell-mère will be better off without having to take care of me." Young Nami says to Genzo.

"That isn't the case." Genzo tells her.

Genzo goes on to tell her how Bell-mère use to be a troublemaker and how she even joined the marines.

"Really?" Young Nami says surprised.

Genzo also says, "Thanks to you, Bell-mère was able to find the resolve to live."

Nojiko finally turns up and says, "You need to come home, Bell-mère is cooking dinner."

Young Nami is excited and heads home with Nojiko.

Unfortunately for Cocoyasi village a group of pirates, known as the Arlong pirates. The villagers are shocked by this, wondering why fish men are here.

Genzo catches up to Nojiko and young Nami. "Quickly you must hide and not come out."

Arlong is leading his men into the village and introduces himself.

"My crew and I are here to take over this village and you will pay every month to live here."

"100,000 Beri per adult and 50,000 Beri per child. Those who cannot pay will die on the spot." Arlong finishes.

"Its ok, they can't see our house gin the distance." Nojiko tells young Nami.

The fish men managed to collect 25,000,000 beri. Arlong is pleased by this and tell the villagers, "You can live here for now."

The villagers worry that they can't pay it on time but Genzo is just happy that no one has been killed yet.

As the fish men are about to leave, one of them notices smoke in the distance, coming from the children's home.

"It seems we've missed a house." Arlong says.

He then leads his crew towards the house, while the villagers worry about Bell-mère, Nojiko and Nami.

Knowing the can't pay it one or all of them will die.

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