Chapter 14

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Little y/n looks up and sees a very angry Kuro considering his plan did go exactly as he expected. Jango and the rest of the Black Cat pirates are terrified by him, including Sham and Buchi.

Kuro can't believe that his former crew was held back by a bunch of children. 

"Is there an explanation of why my plan is failing" Kuro asks Jango.

Jango replies, "You said letting that Usopp guy go wouldn't cause any problems"

"I knew that he would try in vain to stop us from invading Syrup Village since no one would believe him, I didn't count on my crew to be a weakness."

Y/n stared at Kuro thinking how stupid he must be, because his crew is strong, us straw hats just happened to be stronger which he didn't take into account.

But that being said it made Sham and Buchi very mad. They remembered Kuro as a strong killer.

Sham and Buchi commented, "While you were living a good life we were sinking ships and vanquishing pirate crew." 

"You've become weak."

After saying that the run straight to him, in an attempt to kill him.

"Wait you idiots" Jango tries to warn them but his to late.

Kuro disappears before they could land a blow. He reappears moments latter with his cat claw gloves on his hands.

It even surprised Zoro.

They tried to attack him again, but he disappeared one more time.

Jango recognised this attack as the, Nuki Ashi technique, Kuro's trademark attack. He reappeared behind Sham and Buchi, with his claw like knives pointing at them.

Even Nami is impressed by this, as the brothers almost defeated Zero moment ago.

"This silent attack is so powerful, not even a group of 50 assassins could stop him." Jango remarks.

Jango knew that Kuro hadn't lost that attack by the way he lifted his glasses, being careful not to cut himself with his cat claw gloves.

"I will give you 5 minutes to kill him, if you haven't by then I will kill you all." Kuro tells his crew.

Sham and Buchi go straight to Zero to kill him, while Jango tries to encourage them. Nami kicks the two swords straight to Zoro. The swordsman managing to catch them.

"Thanks for giving me my swords" Zoro says although a little upset that name kicked them with so little respect. Taking his swords in hand Zoro defeats the Nyaban Brothers by using the tiger trap technique.

Kuro looks at his pocket watch still counting the minutes. Usopp and the Black Cats are surprised by the swordsman's attack. Even Jango is shocked by this.

Zoro looked at Kuro and said, "The former captain will be defeated in less than five minutes."

Kuro is a little impressed by him. Buchi is still conscious he looks at Jango, "Please Jango, hypnotise me so that I can become stronger." He begs Jango, Jango manages to do so.

Zoro decides t deal with Buchi before he can fight Kuro. After being hypnotised he became stronger and more savage than before. His muscles even increased in size.

Y/n looked at Zoro and saw the surprise on his face but he managed to calm himself down and that surprised quickly vanished.

Meanwhile, Nami goes to wake up Luffy who is sleeping beneath the figurehead of the Bezan Black.

"Wake up Luffy" Nami practically yells while pressing her foot on his head.

Luffy woke up just in time to stop Jango pendant for killing Nami with his teeth. "Thats not how you wake people up" Luffy tells Nami while they argue.

Y/n just looked at the two as they argued having learnt that not only can Jango's pendant hypnotise people in can also be used as a weapon.

Luffy broke the pendulum with his bare teeth, although it hurt him a little bit.

The Black Cats begin to think that it will be impossible to defeat Luffy and Zoro, as the appeared to be very strong. After waking Luffy up, Nami passes out for a bit.

Luffy looks at Nami noticing her wound. "Fight for the village and my treasure Luffy" Nami asks him. Luffy nods his head accepting it.

The pirates run from Luffy, scared for there lives. While Buchi fights Zoro, Jango will deal with Luffy.

"Time is up, I will kill everyone on the North Slope" Kuro states.

"I am surprised that you survived the fall from the cliff, I was sure it would have killed you." 

Before Kuro could kill anyone, Kaya appeared. "Please Kuro I beg you don't do this, don't kill anyone." She begs Kuro.

Usopp managed to save Kaya before Kuro could slash her. Kaya looks at Usopp and says, "I couldn't bare to see you get hurt, protecting me."

Kaya then turns to Kuro "You can take my fortune, but please leave the village alone"

"I want more than your fortune, I want peace." Kuro replied

"The Black Cats will still attack Syrup Village and kill you" He says

She then pulls out a gun from her coat and points it at Kuro. "I'll kill you and your crew, if you don't leave Gecko Island this instant." Kaya threatens.

Kuro managed to get her to lower her guard by talking about the last three years with her as an insult to his pride aa a pirate. He takes the gun from her and throws it to the ground.

Usopp takes the gun and tries to shoot Kuro, but Kuro used his Nuki Ashi to reappear behind the liar with his cat claw gloves on.

"Gom Gom Pistol" Luffy says as he stops Kuro from killing him, sending him to the ground.

Luffy swears, "You will have a bad day cause I Hate being punched."

The little girl giggles happy that she gets to see Luffy beat the crazy Cat man.

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