Chapter 19

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Jonny explains how they ended up here. "Yoskau fell ill and we decided to rest on a rock, when suddenly we were attacked out of nowhere."

The group turns to Luffy and Usopp who not to anyone's surprise were looking the other way as if they did nothing.

Jonny bring his friend up and Nami goes to look at him.

Nami informs him, "He has scurvy, which can easily be cured with vitamin C."

Jonny is relieved to hear that his friend won't die.

"Luckily we've got plenty of that." Nami gives him some vitamin C in the form of lime.

After this they all introduced themselves. The crew took y/n's answer into account and decided that a cook is the best first option.

Jonny suggests to them, "You can go to the Baratie, the floating restaurant."

On they way to the floating restaurant, the straw hats run into Iron Fist Fullbody, a lieutenant in the marines who did not think much of the pirates or the two hunters that are with them.

Jonny is offended by this and flings hundreds of wanted posters all over the deck of the Going Merry. "We don't go after small fry."

Nami is curious to see who these 'big fish' are and picks up a wanted poster. The small girl turns and sees that Nami is was trembling and choked up with a shocked and disturbed look.

She wrings the poster in her fist viciously as if she had a personal grudge against whoever was on that poster.

As Fullbody heads to the Baratie, he orders his men, "Sink that ship."

A shot was fired.

"Luffy!" Y/n yells pointing to the cannon ball.

Luffy ran and stretched himself catching the cannon, but due to losing his grip, the chefs cabin on the Baratie was hit.

Luffy took one look at his leg and thought he lost it due to him.

"Im sorry old man, I'm sorry.' Luffy kept apologising to him.

The chef sets him straight. "I want you to work here for a year to pay off the damage."

"No!" Y/n shouts running in front of Luffy, arms up as if protecting him.

"No I won't." Luffy disagrees.

A bone man picks the small girl up gently and moves her out of the way just as the chef attacks Luffy and beats him up.

'Luff!" Y/n says sadly looking at him. She doesn't want to see him get hurt.

"Let go of me!" She shouts.

"Luffy looks at the man and angrily says, "Let go of her.

So the blonde haired man placed her down gently as she runs to Luffy but Zoro catches her.

"Shhh he'll be ok, but you need to stay out if the way." He explains to the girl, she just nods in reply.

Meanwhile as the blonde went back into the dinning room, a fight broke out with him and Fullbody.

Patty one of the chefs walks out of the bathroom after giving himself a pep talk in the mirror, to fin the blonde man holding Iron fist up in the air by his neck.

"Sanji! Put him down. He is a customer and customers are never to be harmed." Patty tells him.

"He ruined the food." Which seems to have been a deadly mistake on his part to make.

"Which insulted the Chef and needed to be taught a lesson." Sanji tries to explain.

Sanji lets him go and Fullbiody stands upland proclaims. "Im going to contact my superiors and close this restaurant down."

Suddenly Luffy and Zoro burst through the roof, angry about breaking the roof. Zeff the chef begins arguing with Luffy. Y/n standing there and watching.

The chef's come out and beg Zeff to help them deal with Sanji and Fullbody.

Fullbody says surprised, "You chefs act like pirates."

Suddenly a marine bursts through the door and informs the lieutenant, "The pirate Krieg's crew member escaped, killing seven marine soldiers."

Fullbody, frustrated mentions, "He's without food and water for three days and was on the brink of starvation."

At the mention of that name a customer stands and begins to panic saying, "Don Kreig is one of the most powerful pirates in the East Blue."

Without waring the marine is shot by non other than the Kreig crew member Gin. Gin calmly sits and demands, "Give me food and water."

Patty than asks, "Do you have money to pay for the food?"

When Gin pints his gun at him as an answer, he's punched into the floor.

He announces, "If you are not able to pay then you are not a customer."

Sanji decides to take his leave, y/n being curious followed him, as Patty continues to pummel him.

Y/n sees that he is starting to cook and approaches him.

Y/n asks him, "Are you cooking a meal for him?"

Sanji looks at the small girl and answers, "Yes, if someone comes in and asks for food I will feed them. It's my job as a cook."

The girl smiled at him as he continues the girl jumping on the bench to watch and help.

Back with Patty he has bared Gin from the restaurant. Gin lays on the deck of the ship beaten and hungry when Sanji appears with food, y/n not far behind with some water.

Gin tears up and refuses the food. Sanji says, "It is unwise to refuse food at sea, you will die if you don't eat."

Y/n adds, "Please eat Mr, its really good."

Luffy having watched the exchange appears and says, "I want you to join my crew as our cook."

"No. I am in debt to Zeff." Snaji replies turning down Luffy's offer.

Gin hearing this says to him, "You should not go to the Grand Line, the danger is way too high."

Sanji dispossess of the incriminating dishes from Gin's meal, and returns to cooking, seeing that Zeff had already put Luffy to work.

Luffy í annoyed after finding out that Nami, Zoro, Usopp and Y/n are having lunch while he is working to repay the debt.

As payback, Luffy put a booger in Zoro's drink much to the amusement of the others, Y/n being unable to contain her giggle.

Unfortunately Zoro sees it before taking a drinking in realisation offers it to Luffy.

"Here Luffy have a drink."

To which he does not really having a choice.

The laughter from Luffy's crew draw Sanji's attention and when he looks over at them he notices Nami, head over heels, Sanji runs over and says.

"I'll gladly join your crew if it means that me and this beautiful lady will be together."

That is when the small girl realises that he is a pervert.

Upon hearing the Sanji may be leaving Zeff buts in and starts arguing with him.

Elsewhere Gin has returned to his captains ship and plans to attack the floating restaurant.

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