Washing Dishes with Fivey🧽

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It was night and we just finished dinner and now i am in charge of washing the dishes tonight.

I gathered the plates and other utensils at the sink and started rinsing before applying the liquid soap,while i was applying soap at the dishes a warm embrace touched my waist... It was Five.

Hugging me and kissing my neck then he whispered to my ear saying.

"Aren't you done yet darling.?". Five said while i turned me head and kissed his cheek.

"No,not yet dimples.". I said going  back to washing the dishes.

"Just leave it to mom, so that we can cuddle.". Five said while he just whined.

"Five, it's my turn to clean,let mom rest for once.". I said while applying the soap to the dishes.

"I just want to cuddle you.". Five said being a soft baby.

"Just seat down and have a coffee.". I said while he sat down at the nearest chair.

After awhile of washing the dishes i saw Five bored as hell,but then an idea popped into my head and just smirked.

There was a glob of  bubbles covering my hands while i throw it to Five leaving him completely off guard and just looked at me.

"You shouldn't have done that, darling.". Five said while he looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Aww is Fivey-bun mad at me?". I said while mocking at Five.

Then he immediately spatial jumped to my side and whipped a glob of bubbles to my face.

While i whipped a glob of bubbles at him back,then the whole kitchen was surrounded with bubbles,we ran around the table throwing each other a glob of bubbles.

Me and Five were giggling and laughing while throwing each other with bubbles

Then Klaus got in the kitchen and saw us throwing bubble's across the room and said.

"Foam Party!!!. ". Klaus yelled while running towards the sink and scoop a foam and throw at Five's face.

We just stared at Five with a mouth wide eyes open and me and Klaus just looked at each other.

And Five wiped his face and gave us his evil smirk and throw a foam at us while we ran around the table and just laughed.

"Hey guys what's with all this noise,i can hear you all from the living room.". Allison said looking at us enjoying the foam and the bubbles.

"Guess it's a party then.". Allison said while Klaus throw her a glob of foam.

And we just continued to throw a lot of globs to each other.

"Guys would you all like a...beer?". Luther said handling a box of beer while he saw us playing with foam like children.

"What's going on?". Diego said coming in the kitchen.

"Come you 2 have some fun.". Allison said taking Luther's beer from his hand and turned the radio on.

"It's a party!". Diego said joining in the group of child minded adults except for me and Five,well should i say Five is in between.

We were all jamming into the music while Luther was giving us beer and Klaus putting him a glob of foam to his head,we all laughed.

While all of them are busy jamming into the music and throwing globs of foam at each other,Five held my waist and spatial jumped us to his bed.

"You get what you want,can i have my cuddles now?". Five said while he is on top of me looking at my eyes.

"Well what can i say, I'm all yours now.". I said while i kiss Five to his lips.

Five kept kissing me and down to my neck he was making out with me,but i stopped him,sitting up.

"What, what's wrong?". Five ask giving me a questioning look.

"You said cuddles not make out.". I said to Five while I was playing his hair.

"But you said,you're all mine now,did you?". Five said giving me his smart ass smirk.

"Oh shit,no fuck.". I said while i realized i should be more careful with my words.

Five then pushed me again to his bed and kissed my neck making it wet.

But somehow we ended up cuddling each other while Five is spooning me.

Then we fell asleep on each other's presence.

For my Baby-lemon's:

I just wish i had a Five Hargreeves to help me wash the dishes.

Can anyone relate to me?🥺🧽

Thank you for reading my imagine hope to put a smile on your face.

Please leave a vote if you love this imagine 🌼

-Christina Hargreeves ☂️☕-

🌀☕Five Hargreeves/Aidan Gallagher/Nicky Harper Imagines☕🌀Where stories live. Discover now