Come back to me... I miss you💍

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It's been a long time since me and my mom go shopping,so i decided to invite her to the mall and as expected she agreed with me.

Me and my mom arrived at the mall and begun our mall journey to H/M.

"What do you think of this dress?" My mom asked and showed me a dress for her. It was a dark blue, simple but cute.

"I think it's cute, you'll look good with it." I took the dress and give it a complement and gave a better look at it.

"Are you gonna buy it?" I ask my mom while giving back to her the dress.

"Yes, now let's look for something for you.".My mom said after took the dress then took my arm and walked showing clothes to me.

"I like this one" I showed my mom a black t-shirt with red roses and it said: set yourself free. "Do you wanna take it?" I was going to answer when something caught my attention. I saw a boy who looked familiar, I couldn't see his face. Then he turned a little to the side and I saw his face. It was him. Aidan.

"Yeah, hmm mom, are you gonna look for anything else?" I stuttered a bit while looking between my mom and Aidan.

"Actually yes, why the question?". My ask kinda worried at how i act all so sudden.

"Just to know." I replied and shrugged it off,then saw Aidan starting to walk around the store.

"I'm gonna look around to see if there's anything else I wanna take, ok?". I added before walking to a rack of high class clothes eyeing Aidan.

"Ok dear" I started to walk trying to avoid Aidan, I didn't want him to see me, it may sound childish but come on I don't know what I would say.

Aidan's POV
I was looking for some clothes when I saw y/n? She was hiding? Was she hiding from me?

I couldn't contain a smile, even though she was hiding from me,I found it cute. She is cute. I miss her around.

I acted like I didn't see her and decided I would try to get close to her without her noticing.

"Hello Aidan!" I turned to see y/n's mom with a wide smile on her face.

"Hi! How are you Mrs. Y/l/n?" I asked politely. Still keeping an eye on y/n, I saw her hiding behind several clothes.

"I'm fine, y/n is somewhere around here, maybe you'll find her.". Y/n's mom said looking around trying to find y/n.

"Oh! I'm gonna keep looking for some clothes and maybe I'll find her." I replied and started to pretending to choose some polo shirts.

"Aidan, I know you guys broke up but even though she feels better now, I'm sure she misses you.".After Mrs. Y/l/n said that while she kept looking at some jeans i felt a bit of hope.

I looked at y/n's blue bracelet that I was wearing. I hope we can be friends again or who knows more. I saw her talking with an old lady and took this opportunity to get closer without her noticing.

Y/n's POV
I was walking sneakily and watching Aidan walking and looking at some clothes. I looked to my side and saw an old lady looking at me confused, probably because I was hiding behind several clothes. I smiled shyly at her.

"What are you doing behind those clothes?" She while walked towards me. Shit! I'll have to think about something quick.

"Oh I was just looking for my... ring!" I replied and took one of my rings and threw it slightly on the floor.

"It must be here somewhere!" I said pretending I was looking for something.

"I hope you find it, have a good day" she smiled sweetly and walked away. I let out a sigh of relief. Now I just need to get my ring and keep avoiding Aidan. Where is my ring?

"What are you doing?" Someone whispered in my ear. I turned to the side and saw Aidan, I jumped backwards almost falling.

"Jesus!,Aidan you almost killed me... don't do that again".I told Aidan then took some deep breaths and turned to keep looking for the ring. I really don't know why I threw my ring, I just had to tell the lady I was looking for my ring.

"Looking for this?" I turned around and saw Aidan with my ring kneeling, wearing his adorable smile. I went to take my ring but when I tried he took it away from my reach.

"It's mine, give it back" I said while trying to take the ring back again but he dodged me.

"I remember this ring. I gave it to you on valentine's day.". He said looking at the ring with full of love in his eyes.

"Allow me.". He announced while standing up,he raised his hand asking for my hand to insert my ring.

I didn't know what to do. Oh gosh!

"Don't worry I'm not gonna bite you" He said with a soft look on his face. I gave my hand to him and he put the ring back and caressed my knuckles. I saw my bracelet on his wrist.

"My bracelet, you kept it?". I ask surprisingly at him with a warm smile.

"I wanted something that could make me don't forget about you, believe it or not but it always calms me". Aidan said with full of love on his voice while rubbing my palms gently.

I took his wrist gently and passed my fingers through it. If I told you that I wasn't happy to know that he kept it I would be lying. My vision got blurred because of the tears that threatened to fall. I looked at him and saw a cute smile on his face, he had teary eyes as well.

"I miss you," we said in unison. We laughed lightly. He raised his hand towards my cheek and caressed it, I leaned against his touch and caressed his hand.

"What if we tried it again? I feel so empty without you.". He added while looking deep in my eyes.

"I wanna try again but I'm so scared of falling apart and ends up not working.". I said so scared to fall in love again,how to resist the pain that already happened.

"Come back to me...i miss you.". Aidan said with full hope to his eyes.

"There's so much at stake, Aidan.". I said not sure what to choose, trying this chance from the person who once made me happy.

"Remember when I was scared of trying new things and you said I should go for it because I would be facing it. Sometimes we have to face it.". Aidan replied encouraging me to take another step to this fate of ours, taking another chance to know him even more but now in a mature way.

I looked down trying to contain my smile, I lifted my head, cupped his face in my hands and kissed him, he smiled through the kiss and put his hands on my waist.

We pulled away and he pecked my lips, he leaned his forehead with mine "I'll take that as a yes." Aidan said while all i did was to giggled and we hugged each other.

"I was just choosing some jeans a while ago and now we got this from happening... I'm so glad you're together again.". Mom said after me and Aidan got another kiss that we both miss,and immediately hugged the both of us that took our breath away.

For my Baby-lemon's:
I would love to thank you to the person who made this imagine that is a part 2 of 13💔.

Her name is RayssaFerreira878,girl thank you so much to this little token you give to me,you are such an artistic author, I'm encouraging you to make more imagines with me.🤗

Or even make your own,you have such great talent in writing, I'm proud of you,by the way Baby-lemon's this is her original storyline,i just add some more details to polish her storyline✨

This is originally came from her mind,she wanted a happy ending for y/n and Aidan in the story of 13💔,so yeah i let her compose her desired part 2 of it,and it really came out really great💕

Rayssa,i totally appreciate you writing a story to my book,i honestly loved it, hoping to collaborate more stories with you,love you deary,keep on writing 🖋️

Loved the part 2,please follow Rayssa she's an amazing person i guarantee you guys,i love you all and stay tuned for more updates 💗.
-Christina Hargreeves ☂️☕

🌀☕Five Hargreeves/Aidan Gallagher/Nicky Harper Imagines☕🌀Where stories live. Discover now