
911 8 0

3rd person POV

"Thanks for backing me up there Number One!". Christina said at Luther about the kid that wants to join the academy,while they stopped at the foyer.

"We don't let strangers enter this house,Christina.". Luther fired back to Christina with his voice louder than her's while the other siblings watch how the conversation unfold.

"But he needs help,he came all this way to ask for our help but we just rejected him like some garbage.". Christina explained what she heard a while ago about this boy who caught everyone's attention including her.

(By the way,this is Harold I'm talking about,dear Christina cares about him.)

"If I wasn't there to save you from that boy, you would have trouble with Dad.". Luther said now putting this whole conversation about him and his Dad.

"You know what's wrong about you Luther,you always put you and Dad to every conversation that existed in this so called house.". Christina said pointing to Luther with her deadly glare.

"And you know what's wrong with you, you always assume that you are the best out of us, but the truth is your not Christina.". Luther said making Christina's blood boil inside her veins.

"You better take that back before it's too late, Number One.". Christina said showing Luther her stare that can kill.

"You're weak.". Luther said inducing Christina's anger even more.

"You don't belong here.". Luther said burning up more heat to Christina's boiling blood.

"Shut your damn mouth Luther.". Christina said trying her very best to stay calm.

"You.are.useless.". Luther said slowly making Christina took a deep breath and looked at Luther.

"I said shut your damn mouth!". Christina yelled making all the vases burst,glass on the floor.

She scoffed and stomp her way up to the stairs and to the hallway and finally they all heard the door slammed shut close.

"Nice job,Number One.". Five said before spacial jumped away from the others.

"I can't believe you,Luther.". Allison said before walking off to her room.

"That's what you get for being such a dick sort of leader.". Diego said making his way out to the kitchen.

"You know what Ben,we should get high,come on.". Klaus said to Ben walking off, ignoring Luther.


Later that night,Five was on his way to fetch some peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich but was stopped on his track on the foyer.

Seeing her twin sister, using her renewing power to repair the broken vases back to normal like it wasn't been broken.

"You were good,the renewing and blowing things up is getting better sis.". Five said walking towards her sister with a warm smile.

"Yeah,have to renew this before Dad kills me for breaking his precious vases.". Christina said with a light chuckle.

"You did great back there, standing up for what's right.". Five said cheering his dear old sis up somehow.

"I can renew things but i can't even renew my own heart.". Christina said tearing up a bit.

"That's the point sis,you may and can renew a lot of things but you let people renew your heart.". Five said truthfully to Christina with his signature smile.

🌀☕Five Hargreeves/Aidan Gallagher/Nicky Harper Imagines☕🌀Where stories live. Discover now