Luther's ground rules📝

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Y/n's POV
While me and Five are cuddling at his bedroom peacefully,Luther burst in making both of our souls jump out of our body.

And yes i just moved in from my parents house,so i think this is an orientation from this giant piece of ape that is in front of us.

"I need to talk to you guys.". Luther said plainly to me and Five while we are holding each other's hands tightly and Luther dragging a chair and sat down right across the bed.

"Uh-oh,i think we're in trouble.". Five said with a face that would make me laugh and i did while looking at him whilst scooting at the side of his bed.

"No, you're not literally "in  trouble".". Luther said while Five was about to whisper something to my ear.

"Did you know Luther sniffs Dad's underwear when we're 10.". Five whispered to my ear making both of us giggle in front of Luther.

And Luther just sits there looking at the both of us irritatedly.

"We're going to have some ground rules for the both of you.". Luther said straightforward whilst Five was kissing my neck making me giggle a bit.

"Would you 2 please stop for 1 moment.". Luther said while we did as he said.

"Rules,i don't think we're gonna obey those rules,we have our own rules to follow.". Five said while he put his pointer finger and his thumb to my chin looking at me directly to my eyes.

"Just 5 simple rules you guys have to follow.". Luther said while we are just smooching so bored about Luther's speech.

"Shoot,it can't be that hard,right darling?". Five said to Luther while his hand are on my bare side.

"Alright,Rule #1-No running inside the house.". Luther said taking a deep breath.

"What are we 10 year olds?". Five said sassily at Luther.

"The second is Rule #2-No disturbing sounds after 9:00pm.". Luther said looking at us directly in the eyes.

"Fine, we'll have our dinner by 6:00pm and go on our separate ways.". Five said to Luther referring to our necessary business in his room.

"Then Rule #3-No Flirting when we're having a family meeting.". Luther said now fidgeting his fingers.

"Who the fuck cares when we're having a family meeting.". Five said sarcastically to Luther.

"The next is Rule #4-No permission,No date.". Luther said to Five with hands on mid air.

"Alright,i find this bullshit,can you leave and don't bother us ever again.". Five said getting irritated at Luther while all i just had to do was to brush my fingers through his hair to calm him down.

"Please Fivey-bun,let this big astronaut ape finish his so called "The 5 commandments". I pleaded at Five,still brushing my fingers through his hair.

"Ok, darling.". Five said before he kiss my nose making me scrunch my face to him,cause he love the way i scrunch my face,he found it cute and adorable.

"Luther please continue while i still have my patience cause if not i will throw you out of the window by myself.". Five said now threatening Luther with a death stare appear to his innocent face.

"And for the final Rule #5-No make-out session in the living room.". Luther said making Five burst his bubble.

"Ok,i find this more than enough for me and y/n, please Luther leave before i stab you with my very own fingers.". Five said standing up and pushing Luther to the door.

"Oh,i almost forgot,a continuation for the rule #2.". Luther said while Five stopped pushing him out.

"Talk now before i kill you.". Five said giving him another death glare in a very serious look.

"Please if you ever do it, please use some protection before doing it.". Luther said with a nervous smile.

"You have to go,me and y/n have no time for your stupid and timid rules.". Five said now being able to get Luther out of his room.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna have some alone time with my lady.". Five said before shutting Luther out from the door.

"That was tragic.". I said while Five was again walking towards the bed/to me.

"He's an imbecile gene related ape.". Five said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Are we gonna follow his rules.". I ask him with an innocent smile to my face while he sat beside be at the bed.

"Like what we told him before he tell us his so called "rules" ,We have our own rules to follow.". Five said while laying me gently to his bed,his hand on my head, looking at me adoringly in the eyes.

"We have our own rules to follow.". I repeated to Five while he was starting to kiss me and suck my skin on my neck leaving a hickey later on after this.

"Who gives a shit to Luther's ground rules?". Five said sarcastically before pulling the covers over us still kissing my lips.

While i just giggled at him and being attacked by his army of kisses to my lips, smooches on my neck,and pecking on the cheeks.

For my Baby-lemon's:
Yeah,right Fivey-bun,who gives a shit to Luther's dumb and outrageous ground rules for you and y/n?🙄

Keep on what you're doing with y/n cause Luther's not the boss to y/n,You are.

Anyways if Luther gives you these rules with Five,will you both follow it?📝

Cause for me Five is right,We have our own rules to follow.

Class is getting to my nerves,every week has a difficult task to answer🤧

Please pray for my survival throughout the whole school year😇

And May God give me more ideas to make more imagines for you all,my Baby-lemon's 🍋🍋🍋

Have an amazing day today<333
-Christina Hargreeves ☂️☕

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