Ep [6]

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Right now at this moment,

I was freaking out.

I know I don't even know her but still, nothing shall happen to her.

I roamed my eyes across the road while running and soon spotted the same two guys and that girl what was her name.


She was walking with them.


I hurriedly ran after them and shouted her name.

She turned around and shouted.

"Yo! Mister hottie this guy thinks I'm sexyyyyyyyyyy"

She said pinching one of the guy's cheeks, horribly.

He screamed louder than bombs. 

And she instantly pulled away.

"Wait up you motherfvckers!!"

I shouted and walked towards them in full anger but they ran away leaving y/n alone.

"What are you!? Five!? Don't you love your life. Just look at yourself! If I didn't came on right time-"

I said angrily shouting at her. 

"Oh hello mi-misterr"

She spoke while stepping back wards, sidewards and front.

Leaning back and front, clearly being drunk.

"Listen up you hottie. No one told you to give lectures like you are some brrrrm professor okay? And looking at myself why don't you look at yourself? Why are you here? You have money and everything. You still have some hope to get stable whereas I'm standing on bridge upon a BIGGG and WIDEEE I don't know what. I don't have hope but I'm not stress at all and you haha. Do you bath in stress water?"

I narrowed my eyes while confusingly looking at her.

"Do you know you are speaking clear nonsense? Like I didn't got anything you spoke."

She chuckled at my remark and said.

"It's fine not everyone is smart....Like me." 

I made a clear pissed off face at her.

I regret saving her.

"Yep sadly." I replied sarcastically.

"Now what are we gonna do?"

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