Ep [51]

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He instantly turned around and saw you grinning ear to ear like an idiot.

His heart was beating like crazy seeing you act like before.

You marched towards him and plopped on the chair sitting just infront of him.

He looked at you for a while and then looked away.

"Taehyung? Why are you here?"

You asked leaning forward in hope for an answer.

"Why do you care? We are just freinds right? And moreover...I'm just a monster to you..."

He said completely avoiding any type of eye contact.

Your heart shrank in your chest.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry for calling you that. I didn't meant those words....I just got triggered and said it. I'm really sorry for being so over-sensetive...I didn't meant it..."

You said waiting for him to reply.

"If you are sorry about calling me a monster and all then fine, but if you are sorry about you being over sensitive and for the way you felt, I don't want your sorry. You don't need to be sorry for that, Infact I'm sorry for forcefully kissing you and forcing you to come with me, I got angry and frustrated I shouldn't have acted that way."

He said and finally looked at you, you noticed his eyes shining due to tears.

"Can you stop being so freaking nice to me? Like I have a life to live! I'm already dead because of your oh God so heavenly looks and now you have to act this nice like just why!?"

You asked crossing your arms above your chest.

"Suddenly you are all whipped for me? What about that I dOnT lOvE yOu iM sUrE aBoUt iT? Do you think you can just push me away whenever you want and then care for me out of nowhere?"

He asked with a blank face as if hiding his pain from you.

If only he knew how much you have cried for him, how could you tell him? It was not like you didn't cared about him, you were so caught up with your own feelings that you never got the chance to think straight.

"I'm sorry...I was...I was..." you said looking down and your words trailed off afterwards.

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