Ep [32]

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"Are we going to hogwartph?"

Sara asked looking out of the window,  rightnow we were heading towards my hometown.

"Hogwarts? No stupid. We are going to mumma's home and then we will stay there!"

Aera said explaining her.

"I could have just took a bus tae-"
I tried to say but he cut me off by saying.

"Oh come on. Don't you like my company? How can you say no to someone as nice and cool as me? And don't worry after dropping you home, I will go back to my home. Okay? Besides our destination is similar."

He almost rapped, hidden talent.

I nodded in defeat and my little cuties laughed at his funny talking.

I smiled at their cuteness.

"When will we go to hogwartph?"

The little one asked with curiosity.

"You want to meet Harry Potter?"

Taehyung asked and she nodded her head rapidly.

"I want to learn magic!"
She said enthusiastically but then aera said "Magic is not real! It was just fantasy!"

Sara frowned madly at her remark.

"You don't know about magic you magglu!!"

She shouted and aera shouted back with "It's muggle! Not magglu! You can't even spell it, pathetic!"

Aera said, "You both stop fighting!"
I said scolding them but-

"Mumma! Aera called me pathetic!"
She said and bursted out crying.

Taehyung and I exchanged looks,

"You again started crying! You are a cry baby!" Sara cried harder at aera's remark.

"You both-" Taehyung tried to say but Sara yelled.

"Phut up! I will tie you to a balloon! And you will fly to marph!"
She said still crying.

"You are talking complete nonsense!"
Aera backfired and the next moment Sara said "You are a bitch!"

My eyes widened, I turned around and looked at her with my deadly glare.

"What!? Dad alpho called you that!"
She shouted, I didnt knew what to say now.

"But its a bad word! You hurted me and mumma too!" Aera exclaimed.

"Phorry...." Sara said with a gloomy face.

"Aera, you also say sorry to her." Taehyung said and she instantly said "Sorry Sara."

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