Ep [11]

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We were now heading towards the location where I had booked a cap for us.

Y/n kept on talking about how sweet tanya treated her and about the food etc.

This girl can never shut up.


Soon we reached there and also found our booked cap.

Everything was fine except one thing which I can't stand.

That driver kept looking at y/n.

I didn't liked that, y/n was constantly talking and I was trying to control myself.

And he was also driving too slow.

Like man we need to reach daegu today not in the next era.

I rolled my eyes as I couldn't take it anymore. 

"Yah why would you roll eyes like that!? I said what I said and what's so wrong in brushing teeths after washing face!?"

I closed my eyes in pain again.

"Stop the car."

I said and y/n looked at me with a are-you-cray expression. 

"What!? Why?"

I ignored her and again said.

"I said stop the car!"

"But why sir-"

The driver was about to say but y/n cut him off and said.

"Oh I guess you got a nature's call but you should have did your business before we- "

My eyes widened at her words and I instantly cut her off.

"Are you crazy? You think I will do that business here like!? Seriously?"

I said with a weird face and she blinked slowly then said.

"Okay then don't stop the car."

"No the car will stop here. What are you looking at huh!? I said stop the car then stop it!"

I yelled and the driver finally stopped.

"Dude seriously I regret coming with you-"

"You can curse me later for now hop off." 

I said and came out of the car, soon y/n also stepped out and we took our luggage.

"We don't need the cap you may leave."

I said to the driver and dragged a furious y/n with me.

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