Ep [53]

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He wasn't sure where to start from and why is he even doing it?

But you being beside him was the only thing he needed, he needed to be heard.

His emotions were bottled up too, he found himself glad that you asked about him.

Taking in a deep breath, he started with...

"I was born in this luxurious place, I had everything. Everything, I didn't even know what being sad felt like until my parents started arguing about things, it soon turned into them fighting often on little things, I used to get frustrated but I tried my best to get them like before but I failed...they divorced when I was ten...m-mom took me with her, even though dad used to meet me often, I was attached to my mom a lot. She was like my best friend, we shared some really beautiful memories, she supported me wholly for my interest in photography but then one day...."

He stopped and some tears trickled down his eyes, your heart ached at the sight of his teary eyes but you stayed quiet to let him complete.

"One day...I came home from school...I had won the competition of photography but when I searched for my mom, I couldn't find her...my dad ran to me and told me about her suiciding...that was the time I realised humans can break to the level they take their lives with their own hands, I threw away my camera and all. It was the darkest time of my life, the girl I had loved from the bottom of my heart moved to another country without even saying a word to me....and she never even bothered to contact me again...I was left alone in the darkness...."

He said now sobbing silently while you just stared at his vulnerable form.

"I set apart myself from literally everything, the cheerful Taehyung turned cold with time, I requested my dad to let me join his business, he was beyond happy and proud of me, but he never noticed how broke I was inside, every day I felt empty and lost, I was slowly falling apart and I can't even believe I was about to end my life...but thanks to you, I didn't and now here I am."

He said wiping off his tears with the back of his hands, at last, he smiled at you and got up.

"Alright, I told you everything about me. Now let's go." He said and pulled you off from the cold and dusted ground, he ignored your gaze and was about to walk but you pulled him in a hug.

Stroking his back lovingly, you softly whispered in his ears "I'm proud of you for your bravery and for making it out even after such hardships, you are a really strong person Taehyung, I love you."

You said and he felt his heartbeat increasing at the last words of yours. He smiled softly hugging you back.

"Do you? really?"

He asked wanting to hear those words again from your mouth.

"Yes. I do I love you a lot. I love you to the moon and back. Honestly, those days without you felt like hell. I'm sorry for pushing you away just because of some shitty people. I love you so much."

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