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I was damn confused but I knew I will never risk someone else's life just for the sake of my dreams. 

I called the police but they said they can't help me, why because someone told them not to? How can I forget he is a rich politician.

Now there's no way of me running away.

I can't, they need me. I cant leave them dying.

And so I took a cab again to return to my home.

It was nearly 11:40.

Soon I reached my home and saw my dad, mom and sister beaten up mercilessly they were in the corner of the hall, kneeled down and their heads down. I bursted out crying just at the view.

And then my eyes landed on that Jerk.

He looked at me up and down with a filthy smirk.

I wished to slit open his throat right at the moment.

My sister cried out loud grabbing my attention, she was continuously telling me to run away.

I tried to reach her but some buffed guys stopped me and held my arms too tightly.

I looked at that jerk still smirking evily.

He stepped towards me and slightly touched my cheeks, I tried to bite off his fingers but I realised it was a wrong move, his mens slapped my sister too hard, she fell to the floor crying. 

"Keep going and you will write your sister's death by your own."

He said and again touched my face, I closed my eyes in disgust.

"The moment I saw this beautiful face I had decided you are going to be mine. Only mine, right y/n?"

He said huskily, I shook my head in a no and he slapped me.

"How dare you huh? Dont you know I gave your dad a million won just to marry you?"

I opened my eyes in shock and looked at my dad in disbelief.

Just....how can he!?

"Mr. Lee, I'm taking my property to my place now, thankyou for the contract and make sure to plan our wedding real quick."

He said and I started to panick, but what's the point? What can I even do?

My sister ran towards me but my mom held on to her tightly.

They dragged me out. I was so shocked after knowing my own dad sold me out to this monster.

I wasnt feeling any pain.

It was numb. Too numb that it was hurting. Hurting so badly.

I was shoved into the car, the whole ride went on me crying endlessly beside this asshole who was just smoking and chilling out.

After like an hour, the car stopped, I was dragged out and again dragged in a big mansion like house.

Once I reached inside, I didnt even noticed the surrounding and I was again dragged upstairs.

Author wont ever stop with this dragging shit.

He took me to his bedroom and threw me on the bed.

Right at this moment, I was scared to death. Pool of tears were forming in my eyes, now I truly wished I knew kungfu but I dont.

"P-please....you can't be-"

He walked away towards his closet, I sighed in relief but my voice hitched when he literally brought a big ass whip.

I widened my eyes in shock. This can't be true, he is going to abuse me, with a freaking leather whip.

He marched towards me, chest puffing up with ego and smirk growing wider and wider like a clear psychopath.

I tried to beg him not to do it but he hitted me so hard that it felt like my skin will rip off anytime.

"How. Dare. You. Try. To. Run. Away. From. Me. Huh? You think of yourself. What? Smart enough? Answer me darling?"

With every pause, i was getting a hit. Too powerful and painful.

It felt horrible. No one was there to help me. I just want to ask if there's any god present in the universe, why is this happening to me?

What's my fault..why me?[haha]

After he was done torturing me, he threw the whip away and marched out of the room.

I laid there, tears streaming down my face and my body hurting like hell.

The next day.

The moment I got cut off from my dreamland, reality hitted like a big ass truck filled with gravel rock.

But I was rather confused.

Because a little cute girl was trying to wake me up.

But the thing confused me was, she was crying.

My sleep flied like Jeon seagull and I tried my best to stop her from crying and to tell me what's wrong.

Though inside of me wanted  me to compete with her in crying because of the pain I was feeling in my whole body right now.

"Shhh.. what happened? Stop crying and tell?"

I asked But she was not calming down and then suddenly she started dragging me out of the room.

Everyone's gonna drag me here?

I kept quite and just followed her expecting something big to come up any soon.

The little girl lead me to the kitchen.

I could already hear another girl crying her heart out in the kitchen.

But my eyes widened when I saw her holding her one hand in another which was filled with blood.

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