Ep [34]

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You came out of his car as soon as he stopped it.

He also came out in confusion.

"Hey what happened?"

He asked but you didn't said anything.

You just stood at some distance with mind filling with so many thoughts.

You wanted to escape those thoughts, those memories and those traumas.

You wanted to feel safe, you wanted to hug someone and cry your heart out.

Just then you felt him lightly tapping your shoulder.


He was cut off as you suddenly turned around and hugged him tightly.

Your soft sobs were turning into loud cries while he just stood there with eyes turning teary, still wanting to calm you down.

"I'm so scared tae..."

He heard her say in between her sobs, he caressed her hairs and said "I'm here. Don't worry i won't let anything happen hm?"

He said as softly as he could, she only hugged him tighter as if all her pains and traumas were harmless when she was in his embrace.

A strange sense of safe, sense of home felt to her heart.

"Will you take care of S-sara and aera after me?"

She asked and finally the tears he was holding back for so long, flowed down to his cheeks.

How would he take care of himself if you were gone?

Just a thought of your death and he tightened his grip over you, as if trying to hold you till his last breath.

"Nothing will happen to you understand!? Its just a surgery. The doctors will take care! Okay?"

He said trying to convince you but you were scared of something else, you were scared that now you might not be able to control yourself and do something stupid.

Not getting any reply from you, he broke the hug and cupped your cheeks.

"Y/n no matter what, i will be sticking to your side like an annoying bee but i will never let you be alone in this, you have suffered enough. And if you are going to die, i will die too."

He said making your now red eyes widen in shock.

"There's a limit of lying you know?"

You asked but he shook his head with a "I'm serious right now."

You scoffed at him and said "Stop it. You are even crying because of me."

You said wiping off your tears with your hands.

He took out a handkerchief and gave it to you while saying.

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