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Next time when Nora's eyes opened, she found herself laying on a massive size bed and in a beautiful room. She looked around the room confused and her eyes fell on her arm. A IV was attached to it.

Suddenly the door was opened and someone stepped inside. It was Lucifer.

"Oh! So you are up?" He grinned.

"You slept for 10 days. Here I was planning for your funeral thinking that you will never be up!" He rolled his eyes playfully.

He suddenly moved towards her and crouched down in front of her.

"What happened Princess?" His voice filled with sarcasm.

Nora didn't replied but kept staring at him blankly. Lucifer's brows furrowed and he grabbed her by her arms.

He froze suddenly when a tear rolled down her cheek following by a whole goddamn waterfall.

She threw herself against his chest and started sobbing loudly.

Lucifer hesitated to wrap his arms around her petite form but decided against it. His arms remained by his sides as he waited for her to finish. Her crying continued for another fifteen minutes.

Yes, Lucifer did counted that every dreadful minute.

"I-I-I a-a-almost d-died." She hiccuped still sobbing lightly.

"Are you done?" He asked impatiently.

He pulled himself away from her and tightly gripped her chin in between his fingers.

"Don't you ever do that again!" He warned her.

He felt weird as she gazed at him with a pained look in her eyes.

He released his tight grip from her chin and walked out from her room before slamming the door shut.

Eleanora kept staring at the closed door with a hurtful look in her eyes. She angrily pulled the needle out of her arm and curled her body into a small ball.

She felt angry. This anger was not pointed at Lucifer but she was angry at herself for breaking down like that in front of him.

But still she felt disheartened remembering the moment when Lucifer pushed her. It felt like something inside her shattered in pieces in that moment.

Her room door opened and she immediately sat up whilst refusing to show others her tears, her pain. She bowed her head down.

This time Damon was the next one to enter. He stared at her face with a unreadable look in his eyes but she refused to look at him. She was just plainly looking down at her hands.

He was about to say something but suddenly his phone started ringing. His eyes darkened as he listened to the other line.

Without a word, he walked out from her room.

The day rolled on. Serenity and Serena were the only one who entered in her room with her dinner.

Nora wanted to refuse but Serena told her that William would not like it.

Nora wasn't planning on seeing him again. So with a defeated look on her face, she ate a little bit.

Next morning came. Nora's eye never once caught the blink of sleep. The voices in her head did mocked her and laughed at her misery. But she refused to cry. She refused to give those voices a satisfication that how much she was breaking inside and her soul was tearing apart.

She got dressed for the day in some plain looking dull clothes. Her hair open and a white coloured beanie on top of her head.

Serenity entered inside her room and informed her that she was there to escort her to the dining hall.

Eleanora made her way downstairs whilst avoiding looking at the guards who stood guarding on her way in their cold composures.

As soon as she stepped inside the grand dining hall, she was greeted by a smiling face of Selena. Many of the other maids and servants greeted her smiling but secretly gave her stink eyes.

Nora avoided them because it was nothing new to her.

William and Vincent were the first one to walk through the doors. Nora ignored them by turning her face to look at the maids who brought the amazing aroma of delicious food inside.

A minute later, Damon and Lucifer entered inside the hall together. Damon gave her a faint smile but Lucifer ignored her. Nora just looked down at the empty plate in front of her as Damon ditched Lucifer and came towards her side to sit on the chair beside her.

She heard Hunter who entered inside cursing under his breath for no reason. He was always angry at everything he sees, that's what Nora concluded.

Lucifer chuckled in amusement.

"Shut the fuck up!" Hunter growled.

"Oh Hii babysis." In confusion, she lifted her eyes up only to see her one of another brother standing across her.

He smiled at her. Nora was slightly shocked to see his eyes. The eye colour of his eyes was identical as her own and rest of the brothers. But his eyes were just unique. They were sparkling in happiness and joy.

"Angel!" He introduced himself and extended his hand forward in her direction. Just like his name, he acted and looked like some angel.

Nora stared at him surprised and hesitantly leaned over the table to shake his hand.

He gently shook her hand.

"Woah. Your hand is so small." He chuckled.

Feeling embarrassed, Nora bowed her head down. She tried to release her hand out of his grip but he didn't let her. She suddenly started feeling uncomfortable.

"Why is it shaking?" He asked immediately in surprise.

Nora didn't replied as usual but kept staring at their adjoined hands before suddenly snatching her own away from his.

William raised his brow watching her from the front as her breathing suddenly became unstable.

Her legs suddenly felt like jello.

Damon was immediately up on his feet. He held her arms before her body could collapse down.

"D-d-don't t-touch m-me p-p-lease!" She whispered in such light tone that even Damon wasn't able to hear.

"What's happening to her?" A unfamiliar voice rang in the air.

Angel shrugged without even bothering to look at his twin, Hades.

Hades yawned.

With a bored look planted on his face, he watched Nora's desperate attempts to free herself from Damon's grip and her struggle to breathe properly.

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now