Chapter 16

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Eleanora smiled at Angel who met her in the parking lot. Hades was nowhere to be seen.

"So how was your day?" He asked and motioned her to get in the car.

"Hmm. Let me think, beside those bullies troubling me it was perfect. I really like this school. Teachers are nice here." Nora said while remembering how their behaviour took a 360° turn as they came to know from which family she belongs to.

"That sounds good." Angel said as he drove out from the gates.

"Where's Hades?" Nora asked curious.

"Busy." Angel shrugged but clearly avoiding giving her a clear reply.

Nora knew about this too. She chose not to question further.

As soon as they reached home, she wasted no time in jumping out of the car.

Angel followed after her but raised his brow noticing how the guards were all tensed.

"Have you done the DNA test? How could you be sure that this girl is related to our family? Wasn't that woman whoring around with some fucker." Nora paused hearing this unfamiliar voice.

Angel caught up to her. He furrowed his brows seeing her standing frozen near the front doors.

"No. The DNA matched and after looking at her it's pretty obvious that she is your daughter, father."

Angel tensed beside Nora.

Nora looked up at him with a worried look.

It was Vincent's voice and he mentioned father.

It means her real father was here.

Nora felt her heart sinking for some reason.

Angel placed his arm around her shoulder and nodded.

Nora gulped.

He pushed the door open and led her inside.

Every head snapped towards them at the sound. Nora's eyes made contact with William first. Then she roamed her gaze at her rest of brothers' faces. Beside Hunter and Hades everyone was present.

In last, Nora's eyes met her 'Father', that father with whom she shared blood.

His cold eyes raked her form with an piercing stare, taking in every little detail.

A small smirk formed at the corner of his lips. He started to move.

The brothers tensed as he came to a abrupt stop in front of her.

Nora stared at him with wide eyes.

"I think there's no need to regard a dna test. Just like you said; anyone with eyes can see she's definitely my blood." He stated

Nora held back a shiver as his cold identical as hers gaze bore into her soul.

"Did that whore of your mother treated you well?" He asked, his gaze never wavering away from her face.

Nora frowned.

"S-stop calling my mother that." She said while trying to act stern but her voice came out soft and scared.

Her father was a dangerous man. It was screaming out of his appearance.

His presence demanded authority and respect.

"I raised my kids so much better. Look at the outcome of yourself being away from me. You sound so meek and weak. It's 'pathetic'."

She felt her heart clench at his words. His words were nothing but a punch to her face.

Nora looked down.

"William...You need to train her more strictly. There's no need for weak in this house."

Nora felt a shiver chilling down her spine at her father's words.

"No Alexander." William calmly spoke.

Nora looked up at him and found his gaze already fixed on her.

"I don't want to taint her hands with sins and include her in any blood wars. She will grow up like a normal teenager. At a fair distance from our profession."

William called their father by name. Nora noticed his voice held a small disdain.

Alexander turned to face him with a glare on his face. That didn't seem to scare William but Nora was trembling under the tense atmosphere.

"Let's get going to your room, Nora. I want to hear about how your school day went." Lucifer's sudden voice pulled her out of her panicked state.

He grabbed her hand and started to head upstairs. Nora silently walked beside him and soon they reached her room.

"Here. I will put it on your study table." He grabbed her book bag after making her take a seat on bed.

After setting her bag down, he made his way back to her and sat down beside her.

"Our father's a asshole. Don't mind his words."

Nora went wide-eyed at his statement.

"What? Well it's true." He shrugged.

"But don't worry, trust me I'm strong enough to protect you from him now." His words sounded far-away. Nora looked at his face to see a frown on his face and he looked at the side, lost in thought.

His words were mysterious but somewhere hypothetical.

Did their father hurt him? The thought made her stomach painfully clench.

Without noticing, she wrapped her skinny arms around his broad stature. He froze all of a sudden but then noticed that it was his sister.

Grinning, he wrapped his arms around her back and playfully squeezed her.

"I'm so lucky to be blessed by your first ever hug." He fell on top of her dramatically while still hugging her.

Nora giggled.

Damon who stood near the doorway, softly smiled hearing his older brother and little sister's laughter.

No matter what happen, he won't let anyone erase that smile come off Nora's face.

**If you are a old reader, you know with Alexander's entry things are bound to change......!**

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