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Next day, Nora was called in William's study. Elijah told her that he just recently came back from a business trip of two days.

Eleanora was afraid to approach him for some reason. She badly wanted to say no to Elijah, refusing to meet him but then changed her mind thinking that William will only think that she was nothing but a coward.

She dragged her feet towards his study and her eyes met suddenly a familiar pair of eyes.

Tears filled the corner of her eyes and a small sob escaped her lips as she whispered, almost not believing that person who stood in front of her with a small smile on his face.

She cried as she ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist.


Eleanora didn't wanted to release herself from his embrace but David gently pulled away from her.

"Dad! You are here to take me back, right?" She mumbled in a hopeful tone.

"No!" Her heart dropped when William spoke up.

But Nora didn't turn her head to look at him. She kept her gaze at her 'father'.

David avoided looking in her direction.

"You promised me Daddy that you will take me back." Nora whimpered.

"Please t-take me back. I don't w-want to be here.."

David sighed lightly and looked at her tears.

"I just came here to give you this." He handed her a small wrapped gift box. In confusion, Nora opened it to see her teddy bear 'Mr. Snuggles' in it.

"I know that you must feel alone without it." He smiled sadly. Suddenly Nora's eyes fell on a shiny diamond ring in his finger. Her brows furrowed.

"You moved on?" She asked blankly. David nodded his head.

"I have to. After Acacia left, after you left. I decided to move on."

"I never left at my wish, Daddy! I never ever wished for this change. But y-you promised me that you will save me. You forget your promise?"

"It was for good Eleanora! Now look at yourself, you have changed. You are no longer quiet, you are no longer depresse--"

"I almost died! Not a single time but twice. I am dying slowly everyday and every second. But still there was a little hope that you will come. You will save me.." She stated in a low tone.

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have kept you on false hope. I shouldn't have kept you in dark." David apologized.

Nora didn't replied back to him but threw the teddy bear away. Angry tears spilled down her eyes as she did so.

"Take this and don't show me your face again!" She pointed her shaky finger at him and stormed out of William's study. Elijah and her two other bodyguards followed behind her immediately.

Halfway through her room, her legs gave in and she collapsed down on the ground. She broke down in loud sobs. Guards stood there at the back looking awkward. Elijah was about to approach her but suddenly Damon came in front of them.

He knelt down beside Nora and placed his hand on her shaking shoulder. Nora lifted her tearful eyes to look in his eyes.

"W-why i-is my l-life like t-this?" She asked in a broken tone.

Damon sighed.

"Nothing is wrong with your life. Just remember that you are the only one who can control this pain. I told you that day too, the better you accept fast, it won't hurt much! Now there is no reason of looking back. Just forget whatever happened in your past, whatever you had faced in past. This is the time to open a new chapter of life." He wiped her tears away.

Eleanora was having a hard time to sink his words in but she eventually did. She grabbed Damon's hand and he pulled her up.

"Take some rest, you need it."

With that, her bodyguards started escorting her back towards her room.

He stared at her retreating back for a moment when suddenly she paused and turned to look at him.

A faint smile was appeared on her lips as she looked in Damon's direction. He felt something weird in his chest.

This was the first time she was genuinely smiling.

For some reason, this smile made her look more perfect. It did suit her face instead of that gloomy and lost look.

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now