Chapter 27

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Eleanora nodded mindlessly at the gentle doctor as he prescribed her medicines and gave her few medical suggestions.

There was just so much going in her mind and she was not able to divert her attention from it.

Something did not felt right at the moment.

There was a growing worry in her heart. Beside Twins and Damon from earlier, no-one else came to see her.

She took this as an another sign. It rang in her mind that they were disappointed and angry at her being so weak.

She made a fool of herself by crying like that earlier in front of the school. She cringed just remembering that moment and unconsciously played with her sleeves. She should not have broken down like that but it sounded just so difficult to even think.

Her throat felt heavy and she was scared if she even opened her mouth again, she would start to cry.

Elijah, her personal bodyguard was present in the room with her.

She did not know what was the matter but Damon and Angel left abruptly like they needed to go somewhere urgently. She had not tried to stop them but a little something inside of her wanted to do it.

Another three hours she spent while staring at the ceiling of her room. Sometimes she felt tears rolling down her cheeks but she paid it no mind.

Suddenly she started to get suffocated. It had been too much. At the moment, she felt so much pressure on her mind that it was getting harder to breathe.

Thankfully, Elijah arrived in the room at the same second, carrying a glass of chocolate milkshake for her.

"Here princess. Drink this and I promise you will feel better."

Elijah gave her a friendly smile. Nora unconsciously remembered the first time she met him. Her brothers introduced him to her.

Elijah was big and scary guy but the gentle aura he had around him, whenever she was near, eased her anxiousness a lot.

He refused to call her anything but 'princess'. Nora did not want to admit it but it sounded albeit nice. Elijah easily became someone other that she could consider as friend.

Speaking of friend, her mind went over to Anastasia. It hurt her heart thinking if Anastasia saw those photos, she would be downright disgusted by her and their friendship would just come to an end just like that.

A thought that almost made her whimper. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Elijah who was busy speaking to someone on the phone. Nora noticed that his tensed posture relaxed slightly.

When he hung up, he saw that Nora was looking at him and she still had not grabbed the milkshake from his hand.

"Is something wrong, princess?" He asked slowly.

"Elijah. I-I don't feel s-so good. Can I g-go outside just for a b-bit?" She asked, mentally slapping herself for stuttering so much.

"I apologize princess but you can't. It's safe to remain here until your brothers return." He said calmly.

"Please Elijah. I-I feel suffocated here." She pleaded.

Elijah did not want to give in but just by looking at her teary eyes, his heart melted and he caved in.

"Ok alright. We will go." He said and grabbed her hand, helping her off the bed.

As her feet touched the floor, her legs stumbled a little and she realized that she was little shaky. Must be the effect of medicines she consumed earlier.

"Be careful." Elijah helped her to get straight and they made their way outside.

"Elijah. Do y-you- do you think m-my brothers can ever f-forgive me?" Nora whispered.

Elijah looked down at her face with concern. She was looking straight and just by noticing the quivering of her lips, he knew she was close to another break down.

Elijah squeezed her side in comfort, thereby realizing that Nora was too sensitive for her own good.

"It's ironic that they want your forgiveness too at the same matter."

"W-what?" Nora asked in confusion, still not looking at his face. Because if she did, she knew she would start to cry again judging how clogged up her throat was getting again.

"They think it happened because they failed in keeping their promise to forever protect you. They blame themselves for your suffering." Elijah sighed and opened the front door. He had thought about just bringing her to the mansion's garden to keep her mind fresh and unoccupied from all those worries.

Nora wanted to say something but paused as her eyes fell on the blood covering floor.

In an instant, Elijah had pushed her back.

"Oh lookie lookie who decided to grace us with their presence." It was Ajax's voice. Nora could recognize him anywhere.

Elijah cursed and in an instant, he had pushed her in the house and locked the door.

"You know you can't protect her. You are alone and we are 50 in numbers. Every other guard is already dead as you can see. If you don't want the same fate, so it's better that you hand her over." Ajax stated.

"Unfortunately, I can't do that. I have swore on my life to always protect her. And, I shall do it until my last breath." Elijah said and brought his guns out. The action that made Ajax's eyes twitch

"Kill that fucker!" He yelled out.

Nora fell down on her knees as she heard the loud shooting noises outside. She was crying heavily and she could not resist the urge to curl up at sound.

All she wanted was someone there to hold her and protect her.

Lucifer had just blown up one of the last bases where that assassin gang worked and he was in front of home. His assigned work had just finished and as per plan, everyone of them were to gather at their home in last-- these were William's words.

Lucifer could swear his heart dropped at the sight of their family guards who lied dead in the courtyard. The floor was lathered with blood. The sight did not sicken him as usual but there was fear present in his heart.

As he ran inside, towards the front door. His eyes caught a sight of familiar person lying on the floor and covered in blood. Around him scattered various deadbodies and it made Lucifer curse loudly.

He decided to not to stick around for now and passed through the front door that was already opened.

His feet stopped suddenly and the sight in front of him sent deadly chills running down his back.

Stood in front of him was Ajax holding his little sister by her hair. She cried out as he roughly yanked her hair, chuckling maniacally.

Before Lucifer could even move, Ajax's head snapped up at him. With a twisted grin on his face, he placed a dagger on her slender neck making Lucifer freeze.

Nora could only gasp out loudly as in a blink, Ajax had slit her throat.

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें