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Lucifer pulled Eleanora's unconscious body out of his car and picked her up. The guards avoided to look in his eyes and opened the front door for him.

He ignored the worried glances of the servants aiming at Nora's pale face and strode towards her room.

Her breathing pattern was now stable.

A hour or something later Eleanora finally woke up. Her eyes blinked open.

She found herself in her own room and let out a small sigh when the realization hit hard. Her neck was treated but still the back of her head was slightly throbbing.

Her eyes suddenly made contact with Lucifer's who was standing at the balcony, wearing his one of expensive suit and a cup of coffee in his hand. He was staring outside. But like feeling her eyes on him, he turned around.

But what caused her frown were the dark circles that covered his eyes. His eyes looked tired but his body remained stiff as he stared right through her soul.

"A-are you o-ok?" She silently asked. She kinda had to force these words out of her mouth as her throat was hurting. It was slightly hard to even breathe.

"Are you stupid?" Lucifer answered her with his own question.

"When Damon clearly told you to not to fucking interfere in the fight, so why did you jumped in between?" He spat out angrily and darkly.

Was that even a fight?

No! Angel was all set to kill that guy...

Nora wanted to make her point but was busy shivering in fear at Lucifer's tone.

"Angel was going to kill that guy. I just couldn't see it." She gulped down her fear and whispered softly.

Her heartbeat accelerated when he took large steps towards her and stood in front of her.

"It showed how stupid you are! Turn your back, close your eyes if you ever saw something like that again but don't you dare to stop us. Just don't let that happen again!" He warned her one last time before storming out from the room.

She let out a small sigh and leant her head against the headboard of the bed.

Her brothers were hotheaded and she knew that they could never acknowledge her valid points. They will call it stupid no matter how right she would be.

Angel needed to control his temper. His anger issues were really serious.

Few hours later, Serenity and Serena entered inside her room. Nora frowned as she looked at the dress that Serenity was holding.

"What is that for?" Nora asked out of curiosity.

"Master Vincent have sent it. It's for the event tonight."


"Y-yes. W-we were j-just i-informed a-about it a h-hour ago." Serenity explained.

Nora's shoulders slumped and she made her way towards the mirror to look in her reflection.

"But I look horrible. These bruises..." She dragged on, her fingers touching the tender skin on her throat.

"We will fix that.. A little makeup will do.." Serena grinned.

Nora's just only nodded back slightly. Her eyes but never left her throat. Her heart stung as she remembered the way how Angel almost killed her. It was traumatic.

It only took her few minutes to get dolled up in that dress. She sighed for the hundredth time as she looked at herself in the mirror. The bruises on her neck was perfectly concealed.

The dress looked perfect on her. Nora felt pretty as she stared at her reflection. A little blush that was applied on her cheeks complimented the look.

She carefully slid on her black high heels that increased few inches of her short height.

After muttering a small courage praise in her mind, she started walking towards the elevator. Because there was no way that she was going to use the staircase. She didn't wanted to make a fun of herself by rolling down the stairs in front of the guests.

When she finally entered inside the hall where that event was arranged, she took a deep breath.

The hall was already packed with guests. There was something weird today.

Women were wearing classic, elegant dresses. They walked with a grace in their steps. The men looked dangerous and for some reason the energy they radiated was making her feel uncomfortable.

Her eyes swarmed around them and suddenly made contact with Damon. He was standing a few feet away from her while talking to a man who looked scary with scars running all over his face. Her heart dropped in her stomach as Damon's eyes made contact with her.

His eyes were blank with no emotion or gentleness running in them. His posture stiff. It was the dark aura that he was radiating today sent her nerves uphill.

Suddenly he started making his way towards her with long strides.

He crouched down and whispered in her ear.

"Don't leave my side Nora!"

Nora didn't get time to reply him because he held her hand in his and started to walk towards somewhere. Nora walked beside him a little nervous.

They cut past the group of women who were talking to each other. Those women turned to stare at the siblings. Nora mirrored their expressions.

They slightly lifted their lips up to smile at her. Nora hesitantly smiled back at them.

Damon was stopped by a scary looking scrawny but tall male. Nora gulped as his eyes bore into her.

Her grip around Damon's hand tightened slightly.

"If I am not wrong this little beauty is Eleanora." That man proclaimed, his stare fixated on Nora. There was something wrong in the way he stared at her, it made the hair on her neck stand up in alert.

She was familiar with the emotion that was running in his eyes.

"Yes.." She replied in a meek tone and avoided looking at him.

"I am Marcus! Marcus DeAngelo." He introduced himself.

"N-nice to m-meet you.."

He hmmed in response and took a sip of his wine.

"Excuse us Marcus!" Damon said and pulled Nora behind him.

Nora's heart shuddered in fear as she felt the unsettling stare of Marcus fixated on her back.

Something inside her heart told her that this party was not going to end really well...

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now