Chapter 26

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Twins Angel and Hades returned back home with a still unconscious Nora held in Angel's arms. They made their way inside the mansion and just to their luck, first one to notice them was Alexander who somehow arrived early from wherever he went.

"Oh look. The little slut is here." His comment bothered the twins so much but they didn't let it show on their faces. They simply walked past him making him roll his eyes.

"You are the one to talk. You are the FUCKING biggest manwhore alive, 'father'!" Hunter spat out the honorific instantly.

Damon looked down at Nora's face with worry. Her cheeks held dry tears and she occasionally whimpered in her sleep.

"Bring her to her room and check upon her there. If something is more serious, then we will call the doctor." Vincent sighed. Angel nodded wordlessly and did so. Hades and Damon followed him upstairs. Alexander went outside of the mansion and no-one even bothered to know where.

Vincent glanced in Lucifer's direction who was staring blankly at Angel's direction with his hands clenched in fists tightly. Hunter huffed not quietly.

"You know she didn't mean that what she said to you. You should stop sulking already." Lucifer looked up at his older brother's face and glared hard.

"You sulk even worse than me." His comment as expected ticked Hunter off.

"You little shit--" He started but Vincent interrupted.

"Now now now. That's not the time to try bash each other's head open. Someone else is going to die very soon. You should pay more attention to it."

"Right! Any news from William?" Hunter looked at Vincent expectedly.

Vincent shook his head for a second and pulled his phone out. In the same moment, it started to ring. William's name popped on the screen.

Vincent instantly picked up and listened to what William said on another line.

"I see. Is there something else that we need to know?" Vincent asked after a moment. Whatever William said in next moment had Vincent's eyes widening.

"What did he say?" Hunter demanded to know impatiently. The amused and maniac look in Vincent's eyes gave him somewhat a idea.

"It seems like William's bestfriend's spy network is even more greater than us. I'm just mildly disappointed at our information gathering faculty." Vincent shook his head, easily ticking off Lucifer who was the charge of it.

Hunter chuckled quite humoured but paid attention on the serious matter.

"It wasn't just two assassins that you found Lucifer. There is a whole assassin gang that is working right under our noses, in this city."

"There's something that you might need to know." Hades said loudly while coming down the stairs. The three of the brothers looked at their younger brother with a expectant look on their faces.

Hades took his precious time in yawning making Hunter and Lucifer twitch.

"Someone was threatening, Nora." His words froze three of them.

"Their demand was to bring that file."

"A file? What file?" Vincent asked in confusion before it clicked in his mind.

"That file which holds every secret information about the gangs and special agencies working in our state. Now that make sense though. If I'm understanding correctly, their plan was to takeover them by using every little information and in the end, when they would have enough power, then a 'war' perhaps."

Hunter let out a tch at the fact thinking about Human greed. Hunter wouldn't want to lie to himself. He was not a really good person and he knew his place was fixed in hell but atleast he had principles.

"She just confessed." Hades's words brought them out of their thoughts.

"They threatened and she just let herself be threatened?"

Lucifer commented as it clicked in his mind, wanting to lash out in rage. Not at the fact that she hid something crucial. She was more than involve in this matter. But the reason of his rage was lack of trust she had in them. She could have told them. Lucifer would be always ready to put his life on sake to protect her.

Hunter was having similar thoughts too.

"Don't get blind in anger. I know from where Nora is coming. If she didn't tell us, she didn't even get that file out to give them. Perhaps the reason was her fear. But she's just a little girl and brand new in this malicious world of ours. Not to mention that she is selfless and the major thing, she doesn't see monster in us. We killed those persons whom she considered her parents from total 15 years of her life. But still she forgive us so easily just by thinking that there must be some reason but did she ever approached us to ask that reason? We are blessed with such innocent and naive creature as our sister. My logical theory is that someone must have threatened her with something from telling us and in fear she did not. She was quietly ready to suffer and be played by those goons. I think the reason of her confession now is that her mental power to fight is completely broken."

As Vincent's long speech finished, Hunter rolled his eyes but he would never agree it on his face that it affected him.

Lucifer repeated the words he had in his mind when he found out that she was their sister. 'Nora was the only most fragile person who ever came in his life and she needed to be protected at any cost.' Something that he failed to do miserably.

He ran his hand through his hair in frustration and let out a quiet curse.

"One thing more, she was beaten badly. There are countless bruises. Though they are fading but she needs medical attention." Hades told them.

This was the last straw for Lucifer's fury. Without a word, he stormed out. Nobody tried to stop him knowing it wasn't the right choice.

Hunter was totally emotionless. His phone rang at the next second. He looked down at the contact and saw that it was from Zack and picked it up.

"Oi Hunty boy. Someone infiltrated the main base and right now it is burning to ashes. Their motive that 'we shall seek and kill'." Zack's voice rang on the other side.

"They have made their first move." He told his brothers about the recent news.

"They have low sources. But they are still announcing this supposed 'war'." Vincent rolled his eyes while he was tapping away on his phone to text William about this matter.

"Let those fuckers be. It is intersting that we don't need to seek those bastards. They are coming to us for their 'deaths'." Hunter commented while cracking his knuckles.

"It's time to get ready brothers. Our motive is to take revenge for every tear our sister shed." Vincent said somewhat in exasperation but his brothers could see well that he was dead serious.

Sorry for the delay...

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