Chapter 17

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On the second day of her school, Eleanora made sure to wake extra up early. She wasn't going to get late today just because her brothers were too lazy and nonchalant about getting late.

She hurriedly made her way into the dining room but her feet started to hesitate at the sight of Alexander present in the room.

She was considering her options about walking back to her room. She wanted to be anywhere but near her father.

Just as she took a step back, a hand fell on her shoulder. Slightly flinching at the sudden move, she slowly glanced behind to see Damon.

He gave her a reassuring nod and led her inside.

Alexander looked up the moment Nora and Damon entered the room. His dark gaze bored into them in such a way that Nora could almost feel prickling sensation under her skin.

Her father was scary.

"G-good morning father." Nora greeted him nervously out of respect.

He didn't even bother to hide his grimace at her stuttering.

"Morning daughter. Try to speak clear next time instead of these pauses. You know it sounds 'pathetic'." Damon's hands gripped the back of Nora's chair tightly.

His eyes held a menacing glare directed clearly at his father who just ignored it while pretending to be busy reading his newspaper.

Nora frowned. Her mood turned incredibly down. Her father had called her pathetic second time and it really hurt her for some weird reason.

Usually she would ignore what others think about her but she couldn't handle this direct word that was said at her face twice.

Her frown slowly faded when Damon softly grabbed her small hand in his comforting big hand.

She gave him a small smile.

Others joined them soon. William was the only one absent today because he went to some business conference late last night.

He would probably be back by the evening today.

After finishing breakfast quick, Nora took her leave along with Vincent who offered to give her a ride because twins weren't going to school with her due to some work.

Nora looked at her school building while taking a deep breath in. Without her brothers, she felt lonely within these all people but she hoped to find a friend for herself.

She, somehow, managed to find herself in a different place. At different hallway. Just to her luck, the small map that was given to her was also in her locker.

She let out a small internal whine and tried to search her locker. She was standing in front of number 456 but her locker number was 204.

She followed the backwards path tracing her footsteps back but she paused when a loud sound of something falling reached her ears.

"YOU MUTE BITCH! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" She heard a shrill voice screaming.

Nora gulped. She wanted to leave but her feet stayed rooted at place for a minute and then led her between the crowd of students. She squeezed her way past in between them to witness the scene.

Her eyes fell on a girl who was laying curled up on the floor while three girls who looked like the perfect definition of mean girls kicked her.

The girl didn't raise a voice of protest or even she yelled at the pain of those harsh kicks, instead she just remained curl up and let the assault happen.

Nora was surprised to see the teachers who passed by them totally unaffected. Like it wasn't a new thing.

"AUGH! ARE YOU FUCKING NUMB TO PAIN OR SOMETHING?" The leader of the group who was a redhead girl with blue eyes sent a harsh kick directed at her chest that pushed her back to the lockers.

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