Chapter 9

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Eleanora made a small theory that Lucifer was nice. A bit too nice than rest of her brothers. He brought a whole shop of various sweets, chocolates, nutella, snacks, fruits even many boxes of tampons, pads, heating pads for her cramps.

Hades was forced to assist him and after reaching home, he directly went to his room with these words that he needed and deserved atleast 24 hours sleep now after all this hard work.

Nora just stared at him surprised as he walked past her.

"Thanks. Well you went a little too overboard but still I appreciate it." Nora giggled lightly.

Lucifer grinned proudly. He held his palm out. Nora stared at it for a moment before giving a high-five to him.

"Can you please settle this somewhere?" She asked awkwardly.

"Don't worry about it."

Nora grabbed one of the chocolate box and one of heating pad box.

"I'm going to my room. Again thank you so much." She smiled and went upstairs to her room.

Lucifer fist-bumped the air with a chuckle.

"Now I officially become her most favourite brother!"

Nora managed to hear this. She just shook her head with a small smile.

Her smile vanished when her thoughts went regarding her parents. She shut the door of her room and sat down on the bed. She thought about it for a long moment.

There must be some reason. Some secret that her brothers or maybe her parents were hiding. Nora was sure that they won't kill her mother or stepfather for no reason.

She just needed to find that secret. Her brothers weren't even that bad to her and they were her only family remained. For this, she was willing to give them one chance.

She hoped what they show is not lie. If she really get attached to them, it was going to hurt her a lot in future.


"Nora!" Nora flinched slightly when William's voice reached her ears. She was spending her time in the family garden doing nothing but staring at various flowers.

He approached her and took a seat beside her on the ground. Nora looked at him a little surprised.

"There's something that I wish to talk about."

Nora tapped her index fingers a little shyly and slowly nodded.

"I wanted to talk about your studies."

"W-what about it?"

"Well it depends on you whether you want to join private school with your twin brothers Angel and Hades or you wish to be homeschooled."

He was giving her a choice?

Nora looked at him a little surprised.

"Am I supposed to make decision?"

Her words made William furrow his brows.

"It's your own life and these are your own decisions." He placed his hand on her shoulder. Nora didn't pay it any mind because she was busy thinking. Her mother and stepfather were the one who always made her life decisions telling her that she was too young to handle her life.

But William was doing opposite.

"Is there's something that matter?"

Nora slowly shook her head and curled her knees to her chest.

"I checked your grades. You are an brilliant student. Your old school teachers praised you well. But I have a question." His words made her thinking pause, she looked up at him.

"Are you not interested in your dance class?"

Nora flinched slightly at the mention. William made it show like he didn't see but he felt it clearly.

"Umm i-it's nothing like that." She whispered after few moments.

"You can tell me everything, Nora."

Nora looked down to see him grabbing a hold of her hand. Unconsciously Nora had started to dig her nails in her flesh. She frowned slightly at this old habit.

"I was never really into dance class." She said in a hushed tone.

"But mamma used to say that she always topped in that class and I should do it too. Our dance teacher was mamma's old friend. Mamma had specifically requested to her to give me more attention on this, so I could improve myself. But nothing really worked."

"Hmm. Probably because you are more interested in art, drawings and paintings." Nora's head snapped at him.

"How do I know? That's what you want to ask you right."

Nora nodded.

"I know everything."

Before Nora could say anything, his phone started ringing. He didn't immediately respond but looked at Nora.

"In your new school, there's extra art class. Go for it. And, get inside. It's going to rain soon." He patted her head gently before standing up while pressing his phone to ear.

Nora stared at the space where he was sitting for few minutes. A first droplet of rain fell over her nose and she smiled freely before standing up and making her way inside.

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now