Chapter 18

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Anastasia is an mc of my other book 'Lost gem'. Check it out if you get time...

As finally, Twins and Eleanora reached back home, Angel wasted no time in grabbing her wrist and he gently led her inside. Nora still looked a little shaky and it worried him.

Upon entering inside, they were greeted by Alexander who was coming down the stairs. Along with him, there was a young looking woman that was clinging to his arm.

They paused abruptly. Alexander gave a long glance at Nora and Hades's appearance. Both were covered in blood.

"What happened to both of you?" He asked noticing that it wasn't their own blood.

"Nothing major, father. We were just helping someone." Angel replied for his siblings. Nora still looked tensed and worried, he didn't want her to stress more by further questioning of their father.

"I want to hear everything." Alexander said in a unforgiving, cold tone that had Nora flinching.

Hades sighed.

"And we don't want you to meddle in our business. You got that?"

Alexander's fists clenched.

"Hades honey. That's not a way to talk to your father." The woman beside him reminded him gently.

Hades raised his brow.

"And there's no place of slut like you in our home, Lana. You don't see me complaining about your presence, or do you?" At Hades's words, Angel snorted but covered it with the cough.

Nora was still anxious of her father's gaze that were boring on three of them.

"Umm i-it was m-my friend. S-she was b-badly inj-injured and w-we took h-her to the h-hospital." Nora said quietly.

Angel held back a groan.

Alexander wasn't worried about what Nora had told him but he was cringing at her annoying stutter. Before he could reprimand her that Twins already noticed, Vincent arrived there.

"Nora, Hades and Angel. Go to your room, three of you." He said calmly.

Angel wasted no time in pulling Nora upstairs with him while Hades took his time.

"Let's go honey." Lana said sweetly.

Alexander didn't say anything but Vincent could see his glaring eyes.

As they both passed by him, he made his way back to William's office where his older brother was busy in meeting with 'Allesandro De' Romano'.

Nora took a long shower to clean the blood off her body. She sat down on the bed and remembered about how Anastasia told her that she don't own a phone. Now Nora was anxious.

She didn't know why she was feeling so strange. She wanted to call her and ask about her well-being. She knew the reason why Anastasia was so injured. It was nothing but the signs of abuse.

Nora's heart clenched when she remembered the state of her small back. Someone had brutally beaten her with a belt or something. Few of the lashes' stitches were ripped open and it caused that intense bleeding.

Her heart sank. She was just so stunned at the moment, she couldn't  even tell twins the cause of bleeding. But she had seen it all.

'What should I do?' She thought to herself and then suddenly a thought stuck in her mind.

Maybe, he could help me.

Thinking this, she immediately made her way to his study.

Without pausing in her way and even forgetting about knocking first, she opened the door.

"William, I need your help---" Nora froze. Her cheeks flushed in embarassment.

Along with William, there were Vincent and Hunter present there too. There was an unfamiliar man around Alexander's age was sitting there too who was now staring at Nora with his emotionless eyes.

"Ahh I'm s-sorry." She squeaked out and was about to run out of there but Hunter had already grabbed her wrist.

"Don't run now little brat." He dragged her into the middle of the room.

"Umm. I will come later, Hunter." Nora tried to tell him awkwardly.

"What is it, Nora?" William brought his full attention at her.

Nora awkwardly looked at Allesandro who was busy smoking a cigar and he was typing something on his phone.

"Aren't you busy? I'm sorry I didn't want to disturb you. It's just I coul--"

William sighed. Nora froze thinking she was irritating him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to annoy you in any wa---" William cut her off again while Vincent watched with amusement. Hunter was pretty much looking blank.

"Eleanora, just tell me." William said.

"Umm it's a-about my friend. I just want you to look t-through her f-family." She confessed quietly.

William raised his brow.

"Is she the one who you took to the hospital today with twins?"

Nora's eyes widened in surprise.

She thought twins might have told him.

"Umm well yeah. I think s-she might be a-abused and I j-just want to h-help her. S-she's a really nice g-girl and i-if something l-like this u-unfair is h-happening with her s-so that's not fair at all." Her eyes shone with unshed tears. Vincent was already by her side while Hunter scowled at the sight of tears.

"I will check upon it. You can go to your room and rest and don't worry." William reassured her with these words.

"T-thank you." She sniffled while engulfed in Vincent's embrace. She felt like a small child but still it felt nice that her brother agreed to something so easily, just as she said it.

She remembered how David and Acacia, her own mother and 'step-father' restricted her from paying attention to anyone's life. She should just focus on her studies and if Nora clearly remember she didn't even have a single friend. She was just ordered to pay attention on her studies, nothing else and today, after seeing Anastasia's somewhat similar hesitation for being her friend, she could relate herself well to her.

"Come. I will take you there." Vincent offered gently and he led her out of the office.

"If I'm not wrong, then she's your newfound little sister." Allesandro said in his usual blank tone.

"She's a brat but we share blood." Hunter said.

"You all seem rather attached to her. But I can understand. The youngest member is always family's weakness. I can definitely understand." Allesandro sighed.

William nodded a little.

"It seems to me Nora is a good girl. She has a heart of gold. Totally fitting with seven of you. Atleast she would keep you all bound together. What does Alexander have to say about her?" Allesandro was curious. He knew how much Alexander hated gentleness and he could definitely see how much these seven emotionless, killing sprees have changed just because of one naive and gentle person.

"You know him." Hunter rolled his eyes while speaking these words.

Allesandro let out a small throaty chuckle.

"I can understand. I and Alexander have grown up together and I could say we were best friends at one point too." He sighed.

"Eleanora is young and I can't blame you all being overprotective over her. I lost someone very precious to my heart, years ago. If she was here today, my sons would be overprotective over her like you all. She would have been of same age as your sister. But our world is cruel. I couldn't protect her and she died so young. Her loss have made me and my sons suffer throughout our whole life, till this minute. And, I don't want the same thing happening to your sister. That's why protect her at any cost."  As Allesandro said these words, there was a hint of small sad smile on his face.

William nodded and he could see that the one of the most dangerous man walking on earth today, whose name was enough to give many shivers, was indeed a broken person.

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