Chapter 21

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For the fifth time, Damon knocked on the door but Nora didn't respond nor opened the door. Cursing mentally and thickened with worry, he used the spare key to unlock the door.

As he entered inside, first he noticed the absolute darkness in the room. With the help of flashlight of his phone, he turned the lights on.

He sighed when his eyes fell on Nora's bed and he was relieved to find her curled up on the bed with a blanket covering her body.

He grabbed her hand and noticed with concern that it was sweating a lot.

He checked her pulse and not surprisingly it was thumping fastly but her breathing was short.

He pulled his phone out and texted their family doctor.


When Nora's eyes opened, she found herself in a different room. She immediately sat up and her heart stilled in fear not knowing about her whereabouts.

She got out of the bed but as soon as her feet touched the cold floor, her vision and her legs stumbled. As she was about to fell, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist, holding her up.

She looked up in Damon's eyes to notice pure worry settled in them. He picked her up and placed her down on the bed again.

That's when Nora noticed that her clothes were changed. She was wearing a huge shirt and from its scent, she could make out that it was one of Damon's shirt.

"W-why Am I-I here?" Nora winced at her own voice as it sounded so weak and small.

Typing something on his phone, Damon showed the screen to her..

'You went sick two days ago. One of the maids changed your clothes.'

Nora froze in horror.

"You m-meant to s-say that I w-was unconscious f-for two d-days?" She choked these words out.

Damon nodded with a small sad smile.

'You were going to have a panic attack in your sleep when I found you but no matter how hard I tried, you wouldn't calm down or wake up. You were running a high fever too. That's why the doctor gave you a sedative which knocked you up for few good hours but you slept for two whole days. Don't worry, your body took this time to recover and now you look much better.'

Nora blinked in surprise at his words.

Sleeping for two days-- it felt strange but on other note, she was feeling strangely calm and refreshing.

She noticed Damon's eyes boring on her but ignored it and tried to pay attention on the threat she faced two days ago.

She just only have a day. This made her pause completely.

She looked up at Damon with a small smile formed on her face.

"Thanks Damii for taking care of me."  He smiled and patted her head but extended his phone screen in front of her eyes.

'So what's bothering you? You can always trust me. If you are worrying about something, so you can tell me without hesitating. I will be more than happy to help you out.'

Nora gulped and waved her hand off. But her mind was trying to process out why her brothers were so observant.?

"I-it's nothing serious. Umm where are others?"

'They are busy in some work and it might take them two more days to come back.'

Nora stared unblinking at the text. She was desparate to ask about Vincent's condition.

"Umm a-are they a-all fine?" She asked softly.

Damon stared at her face for a good moment making her feel even more anxious.

Nora flinched suddenly when she felt his hand on top of her head. He patted it making her look up at him with wide eyes full of confusion.

'They are all good. Don't stress your mind.'

Nora could only stare at his phone screen and nod a little. It didn't help her anxiety when she felt like Damon could see what's going on in her mind.


After dinner, Damon excused himself saying that he had some important work to finish. Nora couldn't help but feel like something was stressing him out as he abruptly left, leaving her alone.

Now was the right chance. She could find that file because no-one was present in the mansion. The servants already went to their seprate quarters and Alexander was nowhere to be seen. Only guards were stationed outside, at the front door.

No matter what Nora do, she couldn't find a will power within herself to go to William's study. It felt same like going in some dangerous and scary lion's den.

She shuddered.

On second note, Anastasia's face popped in front of her vision. Nora wanted to call her and ask her about her well-being but she was helpless. Anastasia never provided her any phone number or other medium to contact.

Nora was torn apart thinking about saving her best friend and fighting her fear for backstabbing her brothers to protect their lives too.

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