(44) T R A I T O R

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Eleanora made her way toward the open balcony of the hall and breathed out softly in the fresh air. It was suddenly getting hard to breath while sitting there. She felt uncomfortable when that man's pervert eyes roamed around her body effortlessly. She wanted the ground to open and swallow her whole.

Suddenly she felt something strange. A tall shadow loomed over her short frame and her head snapped towards Marcus who stood behind her.

"How are you dear?" He asked.

Nora looked lost of words. She backed away slightly from him in alert.

"I asked you something." His voice sounded more stern this time.

"I don't think if she want to talk to you." Slight relief washed over her features as Giovanni's voice reached in her ears.

She looked up at him as he easily towered over Marcus's tall frame.

"Is that so?" Marcus chuckled darkly.

Nora flinched slightly.

"Yes and now if you can create some distance from her. I am sure her brothers won't like you standing close to her. Don't you know what happened with that head of British mafia?" Giovanni's voice almost sounded teasing.

"He was stupid to say those things." Marcus rolled his eyes.

"So hear me out carefully, you are also stupid to approach her like that. Now get the fuck out!" Giovanni spat out. His mismatched eyes darkened in anger.

Marcus cursed under his breath and stormed out from there.

Nora finally let out a breath, she didn't knew she was holding.

"T-thank you." She whispered.

"My pleasure, sweetness." Again that uncomfortable feeling.

Nora could never understand why she was feeling this much uncomfortable around every male excluding her brothers.

It was a way that these males stared at her and even Giovanni too.

Why? She was nothing special. Just a little stupid teenager.

She immediately took her leave out of there clearly feeling Giovanni's eyes on her back.

The event was ended shortly. The maids and servants were now cleaning up.

Serenity sighed as she picked up the last pieces of broken glass from the table and went to look around once again. It was late midnight and everyone was fast sleeping. Serenity was in the charge tonight and she was to confirm that every spot of the hall was sparkling again and not dirty or something.

Her feet froze as she heard some familiar voices talking. It was coming out the one of the room and the walls weren't soundproofed. She wanted to leave but her feet kind of dug on the ground as she tried to listen the conversation.

"Your daughter is making me crazy, Alexander! Fuck I want her!" She knew that voice.

It was Giovanni.

"Have her all. Do you think I care? I just want this whole empire under me. It just feel like it all is impossible." Alexander grunted.

"I know that you are the traitor of your own family. That's why first you teamed up with Lana and her brother and then those fuckers- assassins." Giovanni chuckled. Alexander grunted again.

"It didn't helped at all."

"I can help you if you want. I have a perfect plan in my mind to make our way safe and clean. That will happen only when these seven motherfuckers will be out of our way. Then Eleanora would be alone. Only for myself." Giovanni said these words.

Serenity's heart thumped loudly against her chest as she eavesdropped their plan.

Her eyes widened when Giovanni was finally finished narrating his plan.

Suddenly the door was pulled open, a gasp escaped her lips as her horror filled eyes stare right through in Giovanni's mismatched eyes.

He smirked at her and harshly pulled her inside.

Her body hit the ground roughly.

"Fuck! No more problem." Alexander rolled his eyes annoyed.

"Make sure no words go out. I will handle the cameras." Alexander concluded and made his way out leaving Serenity alone with Giovanni.

Serenity tried to make run out of there but Giovanni's fist came flying on her cheek. She cried at the impact as her body stumbled on the bed.

"Eavesdropping is a bad habit babygirl! Didn't your parents taught you?" Giovanni mocked.

Serenity cried as his body trapped hers on the bed and he started touching her at the wrong places. His hand muffling her every scream and begs.

"Shh. Now I have to punish you. But I promise it won't hurt much." He winked at her.

Serenity cried helplessly as he started lifting her dress up.

She was numb but tears kept rolling down her cheeks when he was finally finished. He picked her naked body up in his arms.

Serenity's eyes widened in realization when he started moving towards the balcony. She struggled against his grip and successfully managed to drop down on ground.

Giovanni sighed heavily.

"I promise babygirl! You will feel no pain." He murmured loudly enough for her to hear while he grabbed her ankle carelessly and again picked her up.

He covered her screams again by clamping her mouth shut and pushed her body towards the railing of balcony.

In a matter of heartbeat, he pushed her again forcibly. A loud scream ripped out of her throat when her body started dropping down on the ground from the fifth floor.

Giovanni chuckled under his breath as her head hit the ground roughly and he could easily hear the sound of her bones breaking and her head was bashed open. Dark liquid splattered around the floor underneath her and a last tear drop down her cheek and then finally she lost this fight of life.

The guards gathered around her deadbody in next second.

He hid inside a room when he heard footsteps coming in his direction.

Damon and Hades came around from the corner.

"If I am not wrong, it was Serenity's scream." Hades stated.

Damon suddenly paused when his phone rang.

He picked it up and his posture became more stiff. He moved towards the balcony and stared at her now covered deadbody from above. Hades following behind.

Giovanni froze when he heard the sound of soft chatter patter of feet. He looked up at Eleanora who moved towards the open balcony where her brothers were standing, looking confused.

Giovanni sucked a deep breath in as he stared at her revealing night dress. He cursed under his breath feeling himself harden at the sight.

"Damon! What happened? I think I heard a scream." Her worried, soft tone felt like some music in Giovanni's ears.

Hades and Damon looked at her.

"It's Serenity! She is dead." Damon replied to her.

The ground slipped from underneath Nora's feet at his words.

"What?" She whimpered and tried to move past them but Hades blocked her way.

"You won't be able to see it." He said.

His words made Nora broke down in sobs.

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now