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"W-what are you d-doing?" She asked while struggling under his grip.

"Now that's the question I am keep asking you. What are you doing little butterfly?" He smirked, his hand reached up to stroke her cheek but she turned her head away.

"My brothers won't be happy when they will hear about this!" She said angrily.

"Well. Too bad... They are not here to save you today." He chuckled humorously and wrapped his arms around her petite waist.

Tears gathered in her eyes as his hand started to go lower, towards her behind. He squeezed the flesh roughly and leant his lips closer.

Eleanora struggled harder to push him off but he was like rock. His hand reached under her dress from behind and that's when first sob slipped past her lips.

"S-stop it p-p-please..."

"Shh. Don't cry pretty girl! We are just starting. I won't hurt you bad. You will enjoy it, trust me." His light tone seductive and manipulating.

Nora cried silently feeling trapped.

A thought of screaming swept past her mind but like sensing her thoughts, he covered her mouth refraining her from doing so. His heavy body pressed tightly against her, crushing it between him and wall behind.

"There is no use of screaming. Likewise I said at first, your brothers are not here to save you. They are gone somewhere and their return is nearly not possible this time." He chuckled.

Her heart sank.

"What do you mean?" She asked, a urgency and worry filled in her tone.

"Oops. They didn't told you bye before leaving." He chuckled.

"Well apparently they went to kill those assassins who tried to kidnap you and almost killed Hunter that day!" Her eyes widened at this revelation.

"W-what?" That's why Vincent was yelling commands at guards in the living room. Her brothers didn't even bothered to tell her about this.

"And you know what's even more amazing? Your safety's responsibility is on my shoulders today!" He grinned, his eyes clearly showed his dark intentions instead of the protection.

"The guards downstairs are on my side. They won't help you. I think they would more like their turn." He let out a tsk sound. Shivers of disgust chilled down her spine.

"Now it would be good if you give yourself to me willingly or I will have to force you." He whispered in her ear.

The hair on her neck stood up in alert. The alarms started ringing in her ears as she analyzed the whole situation.

No no no no! This time she won't let anyone steal her innocence.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as that horrible memory hit her hard.

"I will die but I won't let you touch me." She stated in a stern, straight voice.

Joshua was taken back with her statement. His eyebrows went up in surprise.

"I will se--" He was cut off mid-sentence when he felt a intense pain in his family jewels.

A hard push on his chest and he fell back down on the floor hard.

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now