Chapter 10

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Eleanora didn't know how she really found herself sitting in Hunter's car. It was like a blur. Her body felt like autopilot when Hunter approached her out of nowhere. The glare he had on his face promised nothing good.

"You!" He snapped his fingers to grab her attention.

"You are coming with me! Get dressed." He seemed annoyed and angry for some reason.

Probably for the reason that he was left to babysit her. Now he had some important work and he would have to tag her along with him.

This was annoying. His sister's confused stare was annoyingly adorkable. He cursed once again.

Nora followed him out of the mansion, to the car silently. The whole ride was awkward. He won't even look at her. But the way he was clenching the steering wheel, nothing seemed good in his behaviour at the time.

After about thirty minutes later, the car stopped. Nora looked outside to see an unfamiliar tall building.

A club? But was she dressed up good enough to step in club? She thought to herself and looked down at her jeans and hoodie uncomfortably.

It was the first time she would ever step in such place. Her brother should have warn her at first place.

There was a knock on the window that made her jump. She looked at Hunter who was standing outside with his eyes narrowed.

He motioned her to get out that Nora awkwardly did.

He grabbed her wrist but paused.

"Where's your phone?" He asked. Nora checked her pockets but paused before looking at him.

"Umm I-I forgot." She squeaked out.

He gave her a long look that didn't give away his enough annoyance before he pulled his phone out and slapped it over her hand.

"Keep it with you."

She gave him a slow nod.

They passed by a huge line of people that were waiting for their entry. But as their eyes fell on Hunter and Nora, there was a sudden silence in the air.

Nora really expected a series of protests to come as they were ignoring the line and when the bouncers didn't even stop them at entrance. But there was just chilly silence.

Was Hunter that terrifying to the whole public?

After turning few hallways, Nora felt her whole body vibrating under the loud music. She first clutched to Hunter's arm not being used to in loud places. Then she awkwardly removed her hand from his arm while looking at everywhere but him.

Hunter's hand left her wrist and this time he grabbed her hand. Nora didn't seem to be paying mind to this action because she was timidly trying to avoid bumping into anyone.

He took her to some slick looking stairs while carefully paying attention to his surroundings. Nora was clutching to the hem of her hoodie with her anxiety trolling her.

They stopped in front of a white door. He opened it and led her inside.

Nora noticed that it was seemed to be like some office or control room. There was a huge screen displaying the footage of CCTV all around the club.

There was a huge table that held various files and documents. There was a couch and a liquor bar too.

"Ok. Stay here. Don't even think about stepping out of this room. Do whatever you want to do. I will be back to take you back home within three hours. Lock the door from inside. Don't open it for anyone. I'll  first call you when I will come back. Only after that you will open it"

He was about to take leave but Nora's question stopped him.

"W-where are you going?" He paused but she didn't expect him to really reply her. That he surprisingly did.

"I have some important work to finish." With that he was out of there. Nora moved to shut the door and locked it.

She looked at the live camera footage, her eyes fell on Hunter who was moving in the hallway to go to another room that was at the opposite end from this room.

She watched as he paused near a glass door. He suddenly looked up. Nora gasped realizing that he was looking straight at the camera.

He gave her another of his warning look and then he entered.

Nora just took a seat on the couch and kept staring at the glass door that was now closed.

It looked like there was no camera in the room.

She was reading a magazine to kill time. It must have been more than one hour. She casually lifted her head up to look at the live footage. That's when her eyes fell on Hunter who was out of the room. She squinted her eyes to look carefully.

Was it blood?

Nora's heart sank. He was bleeding from his left side. She immediately stood up with a frantic, worried look on her face and rushed towards the door before shakily opening it. Her eyes widened when her eyes fell on someone unfamiliar who was standing near the door with a sick grin planting on his face.

Her nerves twisted for some reason. This can't be good.

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