Chapter 30

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It took Eleanora a complete week to begin recovering. She could barely form few words but there was an improvement. William had especially  called some specialists to speed up the process of her rehab.

Including it, Damon stayed by her side all day and night, helping her in every way he could find possible.

It was stressful for Lucifer to secretly keep an eye on her. He never approached her openly with a excuse that he was still mad at her but even a blind person could see that being away from her was eating him alive. But the 'stubborn Crimson' pride was getting in his way.

"Is she sleeping?" Lucifer met Damon who was on his way to Kitchen to get something to eat.

Damon looked tired. His eyes had dark circles around them and he looked a little pale too.

He nodded slowly and almost smiled as his older brother rushed past him to Nora's room.

Nora had tried to ask Damon several times about Lucifer's whereabouts. Because he was the only one who never visited her. She was unaware that Lucifer always stayed by her side when she was sleeping. Due to this silly anger of Lucifer, Damon had to make several excuses that Lucifer was busy in work.

Nora was sad but she did not have the time to worry about him much because of being surrounded by the doctors most of the time, they worked especially well on the speed of her recovery.

William, Vincent and Hunter visited her often. Twins Hades and Angel came in her room once a day to ask her about well-being. Nora always tried to hold in her laugh everytime Angel dragged Hades into her room for once each day.

Hades had given a confession that he was jealous because she got to stay on bed for so long and sleep whenever she wanted. This amount of laziness that he held inside of him had always amused Nora.

Next day, late in the morning, Nora was watching Tv while resting on the bed accompained by Damon at her side when suddenly the door of her room opened.

It got their attention and they both looked up. Nora's jaw dropped in surprise at the person standing at the doorway.

"Anastasia?!!" She almost shouted but her voice came out a little weak. She gasped holding her throat. Damon placed his hand on the small of her back with concern and rubbed in a gentle way.

"Take it easy, you brat." She heard Hunter's annoyed voice and looked up to see him standing beside Anastasia and scowling at Nora.

Anastasia cowered down slightly at his presence beside her that did not go unnoticed by other three individuals.

"Stop shrinking, God fucking damn. I'm not going to kill you. Just go in." Hunter grumbled as he looked down at Anastasia with a look of annoyance on his face.

"Hunter....Please be nice." Nora frowned.

"Little Brat, stop. I'm always being nice." He said and walked out of the room.

Damon and Nora both shook their heads. Damon stood up from the bed and made his way out of the room but not before sending a gentle smile in Anastasia's direction.

Nora grinned and patted the side of her bed. Anastasia slowly made her way to her and hesitantly sat down beside her.

"Don't mind him, Ana. Hunt is always being grumpy." Nora said with a apologetic look on her face.

"Umm i-it is not l-like that. I think everyone intimidates me." Anastasia said with her head down. "I would also l-like to apologize too. I didn't come t-to meet you s-sooner."

Nora smiled grimly and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright, Ana...I should be the one apologizing actually. It was all my fault. Those guys were after me. I was the main reason that they targeted you at first place."

Anastasia shook her head.

"I o-overheard that the attack was because of the familial connection that we share."

Nora let out a small hmm and commented.

"Makes sense though....I was surprised when Damon told me that both of our families know each other well."

Anastasia nodded slowly.

"Hey! Let's go outside. I'm feeling tired sitting here. It's lunch time anyway.... I can also give you a small tour around."

Anastasia hesitated a little but agreed.

She helped Nora out of the bed. Then both of them made their way out.

"So did you come here alone?" Nora asked curiously.

"Adriano..m-my brother..umm he came here with me. He had some work w-with your b-brothers. H-he told me that t-they should be in your brother's o-office."

Anastasia blushed in embarrassment due to stumbling on her words so much.

Nora smiled at her efforts, cleary seeing right through her thoughts.

"You are doing all well, Ana.
.......You will be speaking fluently in no time...... I guess I will be too." She unconsciously placed her hand on her throat.

It irritated her each time she had to take so many pauses in her conversation.

Anastasia gave her a concerned look. She paused when someone came in front of her. Nora was lost in thought, that was why she did not notice not until Anastasia grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. It effectively snapped her out of her thoughts.

Nora's eyes widened at the person in front of her.

"Uh-umm f-father." She whispered, stumbling at the honorific.

Since the last week, she had seen him a little two or three times. He never asked her about her health or anything. Instead each time he glared at her with pure distaste.

He considered her weak and pathetic and he had openly told her so too.

Nora was not comfortable with Alexander. It was evident on her face which Anastasia also managed to notice. The look Alexander was giving to Nora, was familiar.

Paul used to give her such looks. The image of Paul in her mind froze her completely and her hands started to tremble.

As Anastasia and Alexander's eyes met, she felt like a shiver chilled down her spine. His soul-less kind of gaze bored in her skin, giving her chills.

"And you are?" He spoke for the first time as he gave her a once-over and then stared right into her eyes.

Her voice died at her lips immediately.

"She is Anastasia, my friend." Nora chimed in but shrank back at her father's look.

"Allesandro's daughter, huh? Everyone thought that you were dead. Though you certainly look like the carbon copy of your mother Angelina when she was your age." He scoffed, his eyes held a weird glint as he stared at Anastasia more intensely this time.

Nora caught this look and stood in front of Anastasia, while discreetly blocking her from her father's dark glare.

He raised his brow at Nora. His phone started to ring, slicing through the tensed air. He looked at the contact and started to walk back but he paused again to speak.

"Until we meet agaia, Anastasia."

A.n. Alexander is straight being creepy lol..

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