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At the lunch time, Nora got the another biggest shock as Hades a little forcibly pulled her towards his table. The siblings ate their lunch together in silence.

Eleanora had noticed that there was something weird about Angel. The first time she met him, he looked so happy and acted like some real angel but from the past month, he was acting different. He was always on his phone and smoking. He just never smiled like the first time.

They finished their lunch in silence and parted their ways after lunch break. Hades and Angel made their way towards terrace where they always kill time by smoking or something.

Nora was on her way to her next class.

But suddenly something happened. A hand snaked around her wrist and she was forcibly pulled into the store room in the blink of eye.

The whole room was dark and someone was holding her tightly against the wall. She wanted to scream but a hand over her mouth was preventing her from doing so.

Suddenly the lights turned on and her eyes widened as she stared at the same scary guy standing in front of her.

He smirked at her shocked and scared look.

"What? You thought you can run from us or escape and we will let you be." He made a tsk sound and tightly gripped her chin.

Her heart skipped a beat when he started leaning his lips closer to her. She tried to push him away but he was like some rock. His hands inappropriately and without hesitation explored her body.

Her heart could be heard pounding loudly against her chest from miles away. A sudden dizziness hit her. The dull ache inside her heart started to grow slowly. Cold sweat started to break through her skin.

Something was not right...

She could feel it clearly.

"I bet you enjoyed your time away from us, from me." He chuckled.

"S-stop it. W-what do y-you want f-from me?" She asked in tired tone as she tried to look at him through her blurry vision.

"What should I actually want from you! You are so ugly." Nora remained unaffected at his words, the insult.

"So w-why are you d-doing this? If my face b-bothers you, so p-please stop l-looking at me. Why are you t-torturing me like t-this?" She found herself asking him in a small tone.

"Ask your fucking brothers! They ruined our life!" He growled.

She tiredly tried to push his hands away as they started unbuttoning the top few buttons of her shirt slowly to reveal her black bra underneath.

Slowly her senses began to came back as he started pulling her skirt up and crouched down on his knees with a smirk. But before he could touch her, Nora lifted her knee up and crashed it right against his jaw.

He yelped in pain.

She grabbed a big register that was sitting nearby at the table and hit it right across his head.

She stumbled towards the opposite direction and hurriedly tried to button up her shirt.

Before she could even move towards the door, a hand gripped her ankle and made her fall down on the floor. She let out a silent cry at the impact. The side of her face slightly throbbed in pain. But she quickly reacted and kicked his face back. His hold loosened and she took it as a chance to run out from there after picking her backpack up.

She rushed in the hallways and her short frame quite easily blended in the crowd of students. Her eyes desperately searched for her brothers tall frames and she heaved a sigh when she finally caught the glimpse of Angel and Hades tall frames.

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now