Chapter 34

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"Ah Gianni! You are finally here, son." Luciano smirked looking at the direction of entrance.

Nora slowly followed his gaze.

Her eyes met with a pair of mismatched eyes. One black and other silver for some strange reason.

Her breath hitched as he looked straight at her.

She felt a dreadful shiver crawling down her spine.

Something in his presence announced that 'everything will start going downhill'.

A bad news. That's what his appearance and presence told her.

Eleanora shifted her gaze to the food in front of her. She did not know why she was feeling so tense in front of this man. Nora could finally breathe alright when his eyes shifted to others.

"Hello Gianni." Alexander greeted.

The rest of the dinner was awkward. It was only Lucanio and Alexander speaking to each other about some random stuff. Vincent replied for his brothers whenever the question was directed at them but Nora could also feel that answers were not so direct. But just random vague. Gianni never opened his mouth.

After finishing her meal, before Nora could even speak to excuse herself, Lucifer wrapped his arm around her shoulder and started to lead her out of there.

"Well, don't you think he's a bit strange?" She mumbled under her breath.

"What is it?" Lucifer asked as he lit a cigarette.

"Nothing and please don't smoke." She said softly.

Lucifer raised his brow while dropping his burning cigarette down. Then, crushed it under his shoe.


Nora giggled lightly and hugged him.

"Very happy. Now go, I need to sleep. Tomorrow is a school day, remember?"

"You aren't going. You will do your work online."

"What? What do you mean I'm not going?" She asked a little scared and hurt thinking her freedom is being ripped away from her.

"Vincent is taking you out tomorrow." He said only this and tightly hugged her back.

"Goodnight baby sister." Saying this, he was out of the door before Nora could even collect her thoughts and ask him where is Vincent going to take her tomorrow?

"Night." A incoherent mumble left her lips drily.

She was quick at her feet to jump down on the bed and crawled under the covers. For some part, she was feeling excited. She was eagerly waiting for the day tomorrow. With some random thoughts in her mind, she went to sleep praying that the morning come soon.

Nora woke up but it was still not morning. The clock showed that it was 1:55 am. Getting up from the bed, she let out a small yawn and tried to search for a water bottle on her bedside table.

A groan left her lips after noticing that she forgot to take one from kitchen earlier.

After a lot of lazy thinking, she slipped out of the bed and made her way downstairs. There was deadly silent in the mansion and darkness was creeping in the whole hallway.

Gulping down her fear and anxiousness, she reached the kitchen and opened the fridge. After taking out a bottle of cold water, she took few sips of it and then turned around to move upstairs.

Halfway through in the corridor, her eyes fell on someone who was standing near the balcony window and staring at the dark.

With the help of little moonlight, she thought it was William standing there with his back to her.

Steadily, she approached him.

"Wil--" A gasp left her lips as the figure abruptly turned around, grabbing her wrist tightly, yanking her forward.

Her back hit a wall and an arm was pinned to her throat in a tight grip while a gun was shoved in her ribs. The water bottle fell near her feet.

Her eyes went wide as they met a pair of mismatched eyes. The silver one was glowing in the moonlight, giving a look of pure evil.

"And just what do you think you are doing, little girl? Sneaking up on people? Tsk! Such a bad habit!"

A shiver crawled up her spine at the sound of his dark voice. His voice was filled with a certain malice that was making her heart beat louder.

Her voice was caught in her throat. She could only tremble at her place. She wanted to struggle and get out of his grip, but the functioning of her body stopped as gun was pressed tightly in her ribs. She could only watch him with fear.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" He let out a tsk again and this time released her neck to hold her jaw in a bruising grip.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps approaching in their direction. Nora was hopeful but Gianni was expressionless.

"A word of warning! Enjoy your last day of freedom, little butterfly. Because who knows what might happen in future!" Whispering cruelly, close in her ear, his grip left her completely.

She wasted none other second to run away from him.

But as she turned a corner, she hit someone hard. A helpless whimper escaped her lips.

"Eleanora." Hearing William's voice, she snapped her head to look up at him. He was dressed in one of his million dollar suit and it looked like he just came home from work.

A choking noise left her throat and she threw herself at his chest, hugging him tightly.

"What's wrong, Nora?" He wrapped his arms back around her in comfort.

She did not reply. Her shoulders shook painfully as she cried soundlessly.

"Did you have a nightmare?" He asked, though expecting no answer from her in such state.

"You can sleep in my room." He offered.

Hearing this, her arms tightened around him. Accepting her agreement, he scooped her up in his arms.

She tightened her arms around him, her crying subdued slowly.

As he reached his room, he lied her down on the bed. After unbuttoning his suit jacket, he sat down beside her.

"Can you tell me what happened? I promise to make everything alright." He tried to be as gentle as possible. Though, it was something new for him but he wanted to comfort her in every way possible so she could calm down and trust him.

Nora took a moment to sniffle and clear her throat.

"I-it's about G-gianni--" Just his name was enough to make her shudder that William noticed with his keen eyes. As she reminisced the whole thing to him, William's eyes darkened momentarily before turning blank again.

"You don't need to be afraid from him, Nora. He won't come near you from now on." Nora heaved a sigh at his promise and cuddled with his chest.

They were silent for few minutes. William was unconsciously running his fingers through her hair effectively lulling her back to sleep. Just as she slipped into pure dreamland, she uttered few words out.

"Thank you, big brother."

William heard her and looked down at her. A small hint of almost unnoticeable smile formed at the end of his lips.

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